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Show a ee |Ogden Steam RINTER) 2428 Hudson Ave. | 7 : Laundry Co. CLEANERS PHONE 176 LAUNDERERS AND DRY 437 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET itinseeuimepenieiiis 496 R. L. POLK & TOYO — CO’S & H. N. Yamaguchi, @ ‘l'racy A Elmer ‘'racy T'racy Chas Chas Tracy Chas Tracy Tracy JAPANESE Joren MERCHANDISE a leenncesuot Manager The Troy Way Mrs and B lab Amal Sugar Co Dora matron Martha Tracy Wilson Candy la. Nursery av. 12th. iTel. 2074 son av. Tracy Silas H sta mstrO UR & D Co r 2627 Wash av. Tracy Stanley student b 2624 Hudson av. > Tracy Thelma M tehr Wash Schl b 2624 Hudson ay. _ Tracy Thos A lab Amal Sugar Co r 1040 W 412th. Tracy Tracy Tracy Trades Labor Organizations. (See Tel Treseder Ervin T pkr Cgden Treseder Treseder Treseder Treseder seder Bccder Treseder Treseder Geo E whsmn Blackman & Griffin Co r 749 30th. Jane E (wid Richd M) rms 843 26th. Jane M student b 2273 Jefferson av. Lloyd brkmn b RUA aed Malcolm carp r av. Marcia L elk First Nat Bank b 2273 Jefferson av. Marian clk First Nat Bank b 2273 Jefferson av. Ralph B swehbdmn Tel Co rms 2559 Monroe av. Arnand Art B Art G Athel Chas Sugar Whol Co r Hooper. Brown-Carlson-Treseder Drug b 749 30th. b 2273 Jefferson av. a) Ae oie tt Chas J barber re ibe David W Alvin ments _ r 548 M ‘s Store H INVESTMENT CO, Frank Tribe and V-Pres, Lands, Arthur 2357 tibe Henry (Tribe & Jones) Tribe Hughb 3864 Ogden av. . ae G Tribe, Washington Mtge r 1328 H Carl agt r 1642 Hudson Jos One-Price 21st. Tribe Harold L slsmn Guaranty * av. av. lab b 7 aoe sec-treas G H Tribe Inv Co r 728 21st. b 458 21st. E moved to Casper Wyo. TRIBE GEORGE Machines, Edison Ma with Radio 5 ! 25th, herder r 590 Chester. Tribe Doris M clk Tribe & Jones b 1328 Wash av. 18). 306 2 114 Interstate ee | C. E. Armstrong & Co _ and Tribe Frank E pres G N Tribe Inv Co telr First 3180 Wash av. Tribe Frank L slsmn Scowcroft’s r 439 gata ig Sporting Goods, Kodaks, Photographic Supplies, Develop and Printing, Bicycles, Talking Lamps, Franco Flash Lights 124 firmn ft wise Rubber Stamps, Toys Etc, Frank Mibe p Fruits, Treaster ibe Tribe Tribe Tribe Vera N tchr b 241 21st. Warren lab r 1012 W 12th. Zarda emp Ogden Stm Lrdry; 7° and Fresh Treseder Richd W (RW Treseder & Son) r 2273 Jefferson Treseder R W & Son (R'W and RR) contrs 2273 Jefferson Trialano Jas hipr r 203 W 21st. Tribe Alvin M v-pres GH Tribe Inv Co b 548 24th. fracy Scena (wid John M) matron OU R & D Go r 2624 2538-40 Wall Av. av. Treseder Richd R (R W Treseder & Son) ‘ Co r 1040 W Monroe TRESEDER ALBERT C, Sec-Treas Co, r 480 27th, Tel 1394-M. ' Society Nellie student b 1100 W 12th. Parley R insp b 241 21st. Peter F cond U P r 1601 Grant Rose H pkr Shupe-W Wholesale fravino Manuel r 40 r 2234 TRAVELERS INS CO (Hartford), B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. r same. Tracy Dorothy V student b 56 Wilson la. ~ {Tracy Earl D eng 8S P r 138 Willow. | lracy Emma (wid Henry H) r 1026 W 12th: jlracy Ensign L insp OU R & D Co r 274 28th. Tracy Flo student b 1040 W 12th. Tracy Frances student rms 3065 Adams av. i Tracy Helan H carp r 1040 W 12th. k Tracy Helen M steno A L Brewer D § Go b'1604 Grant a Tracy H Walter contr 241 21st rsame. ; Tracy Irvin farmer r Huntsville. ie Tracy Jane (wid Henry H) rrear 1042 W 12th. i TRACY JOSEPH M, City Engineer, City Hall, Tel 70, r & Tel 2650-R. Bye Tracy Laura b rear 1042 W 12th. J'racy Leona student b 2624 Hudson av. Tracy Myrtle E steno Underwood Typwr Co b 1040 W 12t Tracy Tracy Tracy eng 9 farmer r 1100 W 12th. A farmer r W Warren. Tracy David S real est r 241 21st. Tracy < <a la. Dani lab b W Warren. David farmer r Huntsville. 26th. frappett John farmer r View. ne frappett John jr farmer r View. ‘ velers Cafe (Spiros Desalernos) 170 25th. (James S Papageorgen), Staple ans TRAVELERS GROCERY J Fancy Groceries, Imported Oil, Home Made Candies, Retail iN Phone 1115 lab b 56 Wilson r 410 4 Bpett Jas A driver John Farr Coal Co r 303 20th. Propr. Importers and Dealers in AND DIRECTORY—1921. Store) eee Florence cashr Wright’s b 2234 Monroe av. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, TEAS, RICE _ 2411 Grant Ave. &£O@DEN CITY as Frui -as Peter Peter (Li (Liberty Fruit 728 24st. ribe Tel r Pres, Eccles 616. Phone 23d. av. Bldg, Tel e Invest- av. RIBE TELANG F, Dentist, 714-715 3180i Washington Av, Tel 3141. McKELL Av, Bank wae Sec-Treas, Co r 554 Wash Nat 649, & McKELL CHIROPRACTORS uits 409-10-11 and 401 _ Fourth Floor Col. Hudson Building X-Ray Laboratory 426 Phones 630-757 Ogden, Utah r 860 |