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Show OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER OGDEN, UTAH, WEDNESDAY EVE., NOV. 20, 1993 ‘LAND RUSH’ . Geothermal Ene rgy? Legislator Sees Possibilities for State determined that Utah and Cali- WASHINGTON — Utah could experience a land rush similar to the one in Oklahoma at the turn of the century if Congress | provides enabling legislation to .| permit development of geother: mal energy. . Rep. Laurence J. Burton, RUtah, made this appraisal fol- * M see ‘‘a real conflict” be- ; He pointed out that helicopter re, have no_ legal lowing his return from a_ tour nies, therefo ed. remark he surveys have been made’ by of Europe where he visited sev- means of entry, said he companies of geo- ‘eral facilities operated by geo-| | thermal energy. ‘At Lardarello, Italy, a House The | eae a a Postage Stamps Stolen three different thermal sites in Utah and it has been determined “is excellent.’ Police said today someone ap- of Public Lands Subcommittee, congressman Sosa the potential Enabling legislation {s the which Rep. Burton is a mem- parently took -a roll of postage ber, visited the site of the larg- stamps valued at $10 from a key, Rep. Burton said. If it) est geothermal activity in the desk drawer in the Acme Paint ‘comes, “watch out for the land Co., world. MOST ADVANCED He pointed out that Italy is ‘the most advanced country in the world in the use of geothermal energy, and reports that nation has drilled steam wells ranging from 300 to 3,000 feet deep which generate 400,000 kilo\watts of electricity used to op-' erate. the all-electric system of Italy. Rep. Burton pointed railroad also to Mn. a Pg eh wetter eterecetelece ZOle 7 . ae eos 9 9 08th ater i, ee areterenertatgteteneten®, ater eteate ere e0ene tar e ar etares28* a Meena ;a SPL . tae aoe ot 9n te state wg could water fornia are the two most prom- tween states claiming governal feder the ising states so far as geother- rights and ment which always claims submal potential is concerned. Rep. Burton said the main surface mineral rights. _ “However, we must find a roadblock to developing this energy is the fact that practically way to provide for the developall the sites in the West are on ment of this energy by private federal domain. Private compa- enterprise,” Rep. Burton said. retest wetevent Reykjavik, Iceland, where 50,000 of the city’s 70,000 inhabitants |. live in homes heated by geo-|' thermal energy—hot water and I steam. By 1970 the entire city will be heated by this method, he added. The congressman said Sonoma | ; County, Calif., has a geothermal) power station operated by the Pacific Gas and Electric Co., : which has been operating suc-| cessfully for four years. And, the future for geothermal power in Utah is excellent, he added. During hearings before the House Subcommittee on Mines and Mining last summer it was nn a ty Ss a wecese seers leLtatatateeeene ee tame? niaoneteeatatateterenenen 0,818 getaetaate share a ormnt, ee ere t..0,26 Os? ener ot eTererertiee -w.0s0 w eta ran rePatatotatererentete ANNES LTE eeu steTaaTA eleteettetehetatatetererestet statat sterele.e,?, ote rans eteteterere, aeetceet cert eter en ese—seresearererelelelereststatet etetetste FP otere.ere.e,°, sheeafer Bete _ wagieleteceeeee.® etatetatateteree aroretwraele, are ereT07078,058, ata tatetererese ’elesertrertatatetanerarests stat et etent tate at ate 85° eee sree eeve a elle stots’ statetatererestehytatatatete toreteraneele etary wateternteltceitatatstorsset eee eh tie erece lt ieatgtatate ate ene 146A 2953 Washington. rush.”’ & # |