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The Marriott-Slaterville City History Collection was created by the residents of the town to document their history. The collection includes Autobiographies, Oral Histories, History of Marriott, History of Slaterville, and the History of the Merging Townships to create Marriott-Slaterville City. This information has left behind rich histories, stories and important information regarding the history of the Marriott-Slaterville area. |
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Show residents were invited to the city offices to hear from the new leaders and sign the Articles of Incorporation to be filed the next day with the Lieutenant Governor. Over 100 came and signed the document. Orvil Holley, Keith Butler and Randy Phipps spoke to mark this occasion. The next day, a delegation including Keith Butler, Randy Phipps, Duncan Murray, Kiley Slater, and Bill Morris commuted to Salt Lake City to file the Articles with the Lieutenant Governor. I remember it being a extraordinary occasion as we all met the Lieutenant Governor to turn over the Articles. Mayor Butler and Lieutenant Governor Olene Walker, who both attended the old Weber High School, reminisced briefly about old times in Marriott-Slaterville and Wilson Lane. Photos were also taken to mark the occasion. Ten days later on July 1, 1999, the city became official. I was feeling ill that morning, and had to wait until the afternoon before I felt well enough to drive to Salt Lake with my mother, Sherry Morris, to pick up the Certified Articles of Incorporation. Upon arriving at the State Capitol there was some confusion among the staff as to where the Articles were placed, but after some searching they were finally found and delivered to me. I was given several copies, one which I filed with Weber County on my return to the city, with the original document to be kept by the city. That evening our first official city council meeting was held. The building was decorated brightly and activity raced through the small building. Many people were in attendance from the community and area. County officials were also present, including Joe Ritchie, a former county commissioner and descendant of the Ritchie family who were early settlers in Marriott. The meeting was called to order, and the Certification by the Lieutenant Governor was read aloud by Bill Morris. Next, Wendy Simmons-Johnson of the Weber County Clerk-Auditor's Office gave 7 |