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The Marriott-Slaterville City History Collection was created by the residents of the town to document their history. The collection includes Autobiographies, Oral Histories, History of Marriott, History of Slaterville, and the History of the Merging Townships to create Marriott-Slaterville City. This information has left behind rich histories, stories and important information regarding the history of the Marriott-Slaterville area. |
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Show to assure that our roads are repaired to acceptable conditions after an excavation. Please call us if you see a problem, or if you need to do excavation work within the city right-of-way. If we all work together we can keep the cost of repairing down while still maintaining a smooth road surface. Also, take a few moments and locate the nearest fire hydrant to you home and ask yourself: "Is it readily visible or covered and obscured by weeds? If we have a large snowfall could the Fire Department find it if there was a fire?" If you have a hydrant near your yard please help us keep it clear and visible. Trimming trees and weeds or removing snow from around the hydrant will speed the response to a fire. Just knowing where the nearest fire hydrant is will save valuable minutes in the event of a fire. Further, to get ready for the winter season, look at the condition of your mail box. Is it securely mounted to the support? Snow from snow plowing operations can damage poorly attached boxes. Every effort is made to avoid damaging your mail box. Help us by making sure it is securely attached to the post and out traveled range of a snow plow. Moreover, according to Federal and State breakaway standards, any support greater than a 4X4 wood post needs to be changed, or weakened. This so if it is hit by vehicles it can be easily shear off with causing significant damage or injury. Remember, anything placed in the right of way needs to meet the breakaway standards. Brick posts and steel beams do not meet the breakaway standard. If you want to have masonry mail box it will need to be placed on your property and not in the public right of way. We welcome your questions and comments and wish you ail a safe winter season. City Office 627-1919 Dennis Ilium 621-4471 (Evenings) Steve Mecham 627-1919 (leave message) YOUTH COUNCIL WELCOME TO THE YOUTH OF MARRIOTT-SLATERVILLE CITY: Your are invited to participate in the Youth City Council 2000. Qualifications for this new leadership are as follows: 1. Must be a resident of Marriott-Slaterville. 2. Must be in the 9th - 12th grade. The Youth City Council (Y.C.C.) will provide opportunities for youth to participate in local government, and it will also supply a route for young people to let the city administration know about their interests, needs, and concerns. The Y.C.C. will meet monthly. A youth mayor, council, and officers will be chosen to organize and carry out activities. Committees will be established for specific purposes. Activities will be educational, recreational, service-oriented, and just plain fun. Please complete the attached application: YOUTH CITY COUNCIL APPLICATION Full Name:_ Address:_ Age:_Grade:_ Telephone: (home)_ (work)_ Parent's Name(s)_ Parent's Work Phone:_ Hobbies/Interests: Please return this application to the City Office: Attn: Youth Council Advisor 1195 West 400 North MSC, UT 84404 OUR YOUTH ARE OUR FUTURE! |