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Show Ill NOBBIEST NECKWEAR in Town at A, KUHN & BRO'S. x x 46 Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. On the 27th of May, W. G. Child, James Taylor, and Thomas D. Dee were appointed and approved as members of the board of directors of the Ogden Water Works Company, to represent the interests of the city. June 20th, many of the stores were lit up by the electric light for the first time. June 21st there was an old folks' excursion from Salt : Lake City. Presidents Taylor, Cannon, and Woodruff j participated; also Bishop Hunter and other veterans. About five thousand people gathered at Farr's Grove. The recreation was accompanied with singing, feasting, dancing, and speeches. It was the finest affair of the kind ever held in the Territory. The following, relative to a cavalry parade to celebrate the Fourth of July of this year, will give subject for quite a suggestive page of Utah history: To Governok E, H. MriiRAV, Salt Lake City, Utah: Sir :—Under tin: auspices of the City Council and the direction of the central committee, without distinction of political parties or religious creeds, it is intended ta celebrate the Independence Day of our Nation, here, and it lias been suggested that a cavalry company would add interest to the occasion but might conflict with some Executive order, we were appointed by a meeting of the various committees, assembled by a call from the executive committee, to ascertain from your Excellency if there were any objections or known reasons why there should not be such a parade. You will confer a favor on us and those we represent by an immediate reply. With high regard, R. K. Williams, A. 8. Coxdox, M. II. Bearoslev Committee. The Governor's reply: To the Hon. E. K. Williams, Dr. Condon, and M. H. Beardsley, Esqs: Gextlemex :—Your letter of the 9th instant (June) is received, in which you state that the people of your good city are arranging for a celebration of Independence Bay, and that it had been suggest- g. -* BEST STYLES OF SHIRTS AT A. KUHN & BRO. K X Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. 47 ed that a cavalry company would add interest to the occasion, but that it might conilict with some Executive orders previously promulgated, and that your committee were instructed to advise with me, etc. The orders of my predecessors, as to the militia, are yet in effect, the same necessity of their promulgation existing. If there Avas an available company or batallion at hand, I should be pleased to issue the necessary orders for it to join in the ceremonies of the day. There is no authority under the law to authorize the organization of the cavalry company you suggest,. Sincerely wishing you may have a successful and happy celebration, towards which I should be glad to contribute anything in my power officially or personally, I remain gentlemen, Most respectfully Eli IT. Murk ay. The logic of this refusal of His Excellency—so reasons the editor of Tullidge's Quarterly—should signify that "there is no authority under the laic for the Governor" to either organize or disorganize the militia of a State or Territory. On the 2nd of July, appeared the following PROCLAMATION: Whereas, a great calamity has befallen the Nation, its Chief Magistrate, President Garfield, having been wounded (supposed to be mortally) and prostrated by the bullet of the assassin; and Whereas, the citizens of Ogden City had previously arranged for a celebration of Independence Day, Beit known that I, Lester J. Herrick, by virtue of my office as Mayor of Ogden City, do advise the citizens of said city to refrain from all festivities on the Fourth of July, 1881, the 105th anniversary of the Independence of the United States, from deference and respect to the President; that all places of business be closed on that day, and that the proprietors of all places wherein intoxicating liquors are sold are hereby forbidden to open the same on the fourth day of July, 1881. L. J. HKKRICK, Mayor of Ogden City, Utah Territory, U. S. A. 5* Go to Wotherspoon's for your Choice Family Groceries. Wotherspoon keeps the best Selected Stock of Buttons. - |