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Show I x- 2ft _ 122 Directory of Ogden City and Weber County. THE STREET RAILWAY. There was, at one time and another, a great deal said in relation to building a Street Railway in Ogden City. Several parties applied for charters to the City Council, but it would appear that they could not accede to the terms offered by the City Fathers, or they lacked the necessary capital or real disposition to build the road, and therefore, like the establishment of the Ogden Iron Works, the matter ended in talk and nothing more. However, at the time of this writing, there is a fair prospect of such a road being erected in Ogden City, and that it will be commenced at an early day. On the 20th day of May, 1883, a company was organized for the purpose of building such an institution, provided they could obtain a charter for that purpose. A petition was presented to the Council, asking for such an instrument, Resolutions were drafted, embodying the terms on which the company would be granted permission to construct and operate a Street Railroad in Ogden City. The Company, as now organized, consists of L. W. Shurtliff, President; W. G. Child, Vice President; H. S. Young, Secretary and Treasurer ; C. F. Middleton, N. C. Flygare, William Driver, Lorin Farr, L. J. Herrick, of Ogden City ; and Jas. Sharp and 0. P. Arnold, of Salt Lake City. Several meetings were held by the Company and by the City Council to arrange the preliminaries. A special session of the City Council was held, on Tuesday evening, Aug. 7,1883, Hon. D. II. Peery, Mayor, presiding. The object of the meeting was to further consider and take final action on the resolution granting to the Ogden City Railway Company permission to construct and operate a street railway in Ogden City. The resolution was read by sections, several sections were amended, and adopted by the Council. i€ y k- urn I'll nun1. Directory of Ogden City and Weber County, 123 X THE CITY HOSPITAL. Ogdeil City, as the center of many railroads and other travel from all directions, had long felt the necessity of an institution in which to take proper care of sick transients or paupers afflicted with bodily injury or illness while in her limits. To meet these demands, becoming more and niore urgent, in the vear 1882 the City Council built a «_7> / *; \j hospital. Although it is built on an elevation much above the level of the City, still it is situated in a beautiful romantic little basin on Burch Creek. It nestles in this little vale, surrounded by gently rising hills. It is concealed from view until the traveler reaches to within proximity to it. A more suitable location for such a building, Ave believe, cannot be found between the banks of Weber and Ogden Rivers. On the hills on either side of this Home for the afflicted are nice little groves of oak, etc., in the shades of which the convalescents can, in sum. mer time, repose and enjoy the refreshing mountain and canyon breezes. Within easj^ distances are several spiings of the purest water which flow from the veins of the Rocky Mountains, in this neighborhood. There is also a wide, open space in which the invalids can parade a few hours, in the day time, in the spring or earl}' fall months of the year. The building contains six rooms, most of which are 12x12 feet, and ten feet high. They arc comfortably fitted up and well appointed for the purposes for Avhich they are designed. The Hospital was built by Mr. Joseph T. Johnson. y |