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Show REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY Completion of at least forty-five quarter hours of approved college work, exclusive of physical education activities. Specific Course Requirements Completion of one-year curriculum outlined in the catalogue. AREA RECOMMENDATIONS Personal and Family Living Certain conditions which are inherent in the complex structure of our present social organization make many requirements of the individual if he is to enjoy satisfactory adjustment in personal and family living. There are numerous reasons for this: (1) Many traditional customs and practices are in transition, yet the well-being of our society devolves upon personal and family integrity. (2) Life becomes more complex continually and requires more expertness in living. (3) The flagrant divorce rate and widespread attitude of social irresponsibility is symptomatic of distorted and sick personalities. Accordingly, the challenge of our day is to help the student develop maturity of personality through a program of general education which includes instruction in personal and family adjustment. All students are encouraged to plan their educational program to include two or more courses as listed below. No prerequisites are necessary and all courses are open to both men and women. Marriage and the Family, Child Development and Guidance, Child Psychology, Applied Psychology, Basic Nutrition and Balanced Diet, Food Selection and Preparation, Home Furnishings and Decorations, Clothing Selection and Personal Grooming. (See Sociology, Psychology and Home Economics Departments for course descriptions.) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION Before a student can become a candidate for graduation, he must have completed the final thirty quarter hours of residence work at Weber College, unless it is determined by the Graduation Committee that it is to the academic advantage of the student to transfer to a senior institution for his sixth quarter. The Graduation Committee may make exceptions in individual cases. Before a student can become a candidate for graduation, his scholastic record must show that he has satisfied the requirements for entrance, that he can fulfill the requirements for graduation upon the completion of the course for which he is registered, and that he has an average of not less than C, a grade point ratio of at least 1.0, in all his college work. A student who does not graduate with the class with which he enters is held to the requirements applicable to the class with which he is graduated. A candidate for graduation is required to be present at the Commencement exercises. Any exceptions to these requirements are made by the President. NUMBERING OF COURSES Courses number from 1 to 49 inclusive are called "transfer courses," and are accepted at full value by senior institutions. Courses numbered 50 and above are called "terminal courses." Credit for terminal courses is allowed by senior institutions which offer similar programs but might not be accepted by universities and colleges where these programs are not catalogued. GRADES AND GRADE POINTS The grading- system consists of four passing grades: A. B. C. D.; failure, E; Incomplete, Inc; withdrawn, W. Exceptional accomplishment is denoted by the grade of A; superior, B; average, C; and inferior, D. When a student is dropped from a class because of inferior work or excessive absences, a final mark of E is recorded. Grade points or honor points are assigned as follows: Each hour of A grade counts three points; B grade, two points; C grade, one point; D grade, no point; and E grade, minus one point. The total of honor points thus obtained is divided by the total hours registered. A ratio of 2.5 represents honors. SCHOLASTIC REGULATIONS Attendance: Registration and enrollment in the different classes of Weber College presupposes that recitations, lectures, and laboratory sessions will be attended regulary. Absence from class naturally detracts from accomplishment and interest. It also leads to habits that are not tolerated by employers. Students who are irregular in their attendance may be dropped from the class involved and given an E grade in the subject. Changes in Study Program. A student who wishes to make a change in his study program must do so before the end of the second week in a quarter. After a course has been in progress for two weeks, a student may not enroll in that course without special permission of the instructor concerned and the Registrar. To withdraw from a course, a student must list the course or courses on a withdrawal slip obtained from the Registrar's Office, have his adviser approve it, and return the slip to the Registrar's Office. If a student withdraws officially from a course during the first two weeks of a auarter, no entry will be made of the course in the permanent record. If withdrawal is made after the second week and before the end of the sixth week, a mark of W is entered in the record. Withdrawal is not permitted after the sixth week except for reasons satisfactory to the Registrar. Upon withdrawal, the Registrar ascertains the student's scholastic standing. If he has a C grade or better, a W is entered in the permanent record; otherwise, an E, which is a failure, is recorded. Withdrawal from School. Except at the end of a quarter, any student who withdraws from Weber College must obtain a with- drawal-from-school slip from the Registrar's Office. This form must |