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Show 30 WEBER ACADEMY Old Testament History.This course includes a careful study of the important events of the history of the chosen people from the creation to the establishment of the Kingdom of Israel, and will be considered under the following heads: The antediluvian period, from the creation to the flood; the period of dispersion, from the flood to the promise; the period of the patriarchs, from the promise to the exodus; the period of theocracy, from Joshua to Saul; the Hebrew monarchy, from Saul to Solomon; the period of the divided kingdom; the period of the captivity and the restoration; the period of Jewish history, from the history of the Old Testament canon to the Christian era; also the study of the prophets, with special reference to their predictions relating to the coming of the Savior. Required of third-year students. Text: Old Testament, outlines. Four hours per week through-out the year. Church History.A study of the leading events in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ in this dispensation. Four hours throughout the first semester. Text: One Hundred Years of Mormonism. Required of all fourth-year students. Principles of the Gospel.The principles of the Gospel as taught by our Savior and His Apostles, together with the revelations given on the same through the Prophet Joseph Smith in the last dispensation will be considered. Four hours throughout second semester. Texts: Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Articles of Faith by Talmage. Required of all fourth-year students. WEBER ACADEMY 31 ENGLISH AND ELOCUTION. Harriet Ivy Cleghorn. LeRoy Eugene Cowles. Ida Agren Shurtliff. English a.Several classics, including Scott's Ivanhoe and The Lady of the Lake; Franklin's Autobiraphy; Tennyson's Garette and Lynette, Lancelot and Elaine, and the Passing of Arthur; Bunyon's Pilgrim's Progress, Part 1, and Shakespeare's Julius Caesar will be discussed and read from an interpretative stand-point. The aim of the course is to direct such an appreciation of these works that the student will be able to express a proper interpretation of them in his reading. Short themes once a week, with occasional longer compositions on subjects related to the readings, shall be required. Five hours per week during the first or second semester. English b.A review of grammar and short themes once a week, with occasional longer themes on assigned or original subjects comprise the work of this course. Buehler's Modern English Grammar and Hitchcock's Exercises Book will be the outlines used. Buehler's Exercises in English will be used as a supplementary text. Five hours per week during the first or second semester. English c.This course consists of a thorough study of the elementary principles of rhetoric, with special attention to paragraph structure and connection, sentence structure and connection, and words. |