OCR Text |
Show R. L. POLK ‘SECRET SOCIETIES—LABOR. ORGANIZATIONS. |... ~ El Monte “ No Commandery Temple. Meriam Chapter No oe S—wMasonic 44, O E No 4, (Eastern Temple. Queen Esther Chapter Masonic Temple. TRADES AND LABOR ORGANIZATIONS. Central Trades and Labor Assembly—Eagles. Star) No 418—Eagles’ a FRATERN AL Sego Lodge N o AMERICA. F Hall. OF O UNION O 138—I Tit. aes av. 5—2320 Washington Lodge No 4—2320 No Lodge Rebekah City oon av. Washington COLUMBUS. OF KNIGHTS Washington av No 777—2320 Ogden Branch MACCABEES. THE OF KNIGHTS Washington av. 320 4—2 No Tent Silver OF THE ‘ASSN 1EN’S BENEFIT MACCABEES. os gton av. hin Was No :4—2320 Silver Review PYTHIAS. OF KNIGHTS av. Grant 9—2353 No 4— den Lodge No Temple Calanthe Sisters, pethian of P of P Hall. k—K Ran m 2, Unifor co No rineete n li; nies Ogden ton LOYAL ORDER Lodge No Utah 4814—2416 WOODMEN Camp No OF 9990—2320 Order Circle No | &V See RAILWAYS. Classified Section THEATRES See Classified Section of Hall. Trainmen Employees, Railway 581— Ogden of F Div (Ladies Conductors Auxiliary), (Ladies Auxiliary) Utah Lodge No 173—I O O F Hall. Home Typographical Union No 236—Eagles Firemery and Enginof Brotherhood United eers—Eagles Home. and EnginUnited Brotherhood of Firemen Home. Auxiliary )—Eagles (Ladies eers of Way United Brotherhood of Maintenance Home. Shop—Eagles & Railway WARDS ‘| AND west of Wash bgemn .... baggageman bkpr ..... bookkeeper DIGG: « 0'6s UDO. DIK ae es Oe eee blksmth .... blacksmitn brklyr ..... bricklayer brkmn ...... brakeman Dring? sc). aes bartender COLD Bs hoe CAL DERTEr CHANP x 2s eels cashier CUIGE a0 'sru dare ae chauffeur CAR er wa ce clerk STOP esas s Sle cleaner TEE Fin 6 ahs ac ete collector com ...... commission comr ... commissioner comp «.....:' compositor conds.s.....° conductor confr .... confectioner contr ....... contractor COPA pins. He 8's SS corner OE iat dare c o's s 0's w 6. UES CORT ukeie s . 6's. 0a deputy dept ...... department CG on sc ks o'eies GIBTTICE dom ........ domestic drsmkr ... dressmaker electn ...... electrician G1BV Sis cc'Seens GLOVEtar OID SF us Se oe employee | i - fg : retired: 5 ee ee AO one 8 : sgouth:of 25th. — OL Seid creraros engineer examnr ...... examiner CRI a eae aes express ORO 5.\oe <5 Nove a aioe east CUS esteatete nuaiork. east side PRG icicheici cs 6st freight WOT 5 Satie see . general Bee: ", Hoses bb aloe helper hskpr .... housekeeper INS we ecceses insurance POSES cele vecelets inspector TAU US whee. 5 janitor WAAR ks he aia oteie jeweler BEANS ee aa ipl a the laborer RO ais eet oslo oS setdsl lane TRUNG esis)3s laundress lithog .... lithographer TRACERS Se, °. e575 machinist MCCR a5 ss8 mechanic MOP) Meake sls - merchant MESSPX s viawia messenger mfg .... manufacturing TTT 2 manufacturer THR Cie hos elas ss manager PEP Te ke eiswhe .. maker TPE A oso tavone -. milliner WI oh 00! sco 5 0° e's SOE motrmn ..... motorman TIRISIN Se aha eiasss musician mus tchr..music teacher WP Tals sites O's Siete eae INAVOR ET, °c tess one cate& north Nie jcisc« ss) ROFTRCASL Th Bose oa can ox OLE. Bee Nw Wut .......i cL northwest fue oopeees Be Se wae packer ine 5 0k Sho wwe raeees place ONDE) noes. wanes plumber THEE Sys os eile . plasterer pres ....... . president OPN 5 co aia soo principal TST. sain ecvia ye pressman DUD os 605. oe Deer PO! sie .. Post Office TH TP ... residence Pass cen SpeieeeRevs road real est .... real estate NODE oo ictase ~ee. repairer ROY 2.5e'see .. Reverend PMS iy ae eéeee FOORS BBG: -Nlsreleis« .. secretary silsmn ....... salesman smstrs ..... seamstress SHOE sb: 5 45 26: ater . Special steno .... stenographer supt ... superintendent swchmn ... switchmap Or (So. Sosa south We. as southeast BiG ese ave . South side SOO ow 68 sxe tehr > 5... WETS. pik shar ak ANG southwest vias 63,0) SORCMEE. oeeee terrace CE. Secs ee VENT transf ........ transfer treaSs ....... treasurer uphlistr .... upholsterer ih sb te lortase Fe eaias | w hsmn ged Wek ep rt .. warehouseman ML La as bea wees. WIdOW WHS. i. ciciveciaces co WOFKS W OF W. diceses West ODP is ois ce OPST ALY DUS ie ae 0c ous | POGmer photog ... photographer phys ....... physician pK ............. park ws O.', e*eeee#e#ee#ees west wise she aha hee side Sae B din sive irene a ceeeceeeeesse--Oregon Short Line ELE Pree eta Ogden Union Railway & Depot send Milcia Bets ore isla is Wie edate tb ge eelece Ao oa ee es tain Sbtchcte. e elk) slits Des GHEE ba n Pacifi Ete bieleratetekaleds (ols $ - e+e» Mountain States J chspuene & Telegraph re ee ae kee Riel tae i Ye oite:0 lt eth wee a Geaetate «Sle baie BU Ol ee : = ofa 2 Ei aN RR RE AGL AIRE 88) 055% SEN Utah Milling & Feed ards o Sous cs bir erm at, ine Od thot G, bho. a t/a elt tote obo le:& bedeuat Union Pacific Railroad DF ent ce ABD Cy he $A BL RY AE RE REM BOL | aE ES Stee Utah Power & Light Co GO: is Lins bib To eee Maesinto pie ous > .2. ie Oke olele'e = oe Western ABBREVIATIONS av Ward—All ‘ south of 25th. Wash av Ward—All territory west of and north of 25th to Ogden River. territory north of Ogden 3d .Ward—All River. of Wash av 4th Watd—All territory east River. and north of 25th to Ogden of Wash av east 5th Ward—aAll territory vie be ose ; ; and and | C10 Ss & wih ak ew eloabetie eee ee Consolidated Wagon & Machine Co AA Wa bie ce ois acon Ble ie Ravctoted Wisceteie Denver & sie $ Soin Railroad Eee ites ST 8 Ske Se Wik s ele plelalesd ab. 6 Were bh corel geen OMY a reatiee a oe Le ag dac AR RR CEES Ee eee ae, eh tee Ogden Pressed Brick & Tile Co a ta "TOL BOUNDARIES. territory 4st ed STREET No O W. Hall. Star of Utah Div No a3—W ion Labor ones Mee Workers, No 569—Un H all. av. Tailors Union No 4141—2478 Grant Labor Hall. Union—Union Teamsters 68s—I 0 O F No Lodge Ogden Trainmen, Washing- 2320 Wash av. Qgden icouncil No 248— WORLD THE OF N WOODME 320 Wash av. weber Camp No 74—2 OF WOODCRAFT. NEIGHBORS av. No 581—-2320 Wash Circle Ogden av Wash Lily Y DIR CTORY si BCCR ass cs accountant addn ......... addition Set 14 sa sily''e agent Bl) Tages fs. alley appr ....... apprentice SPORE wees sis ss architect CEE hac, ae aa assistant BOO e sk eccicas auditor WV ote. 6s ole 66 . avenue a ro boards F Hall. No 41—Eagles Hall. of AmerPainters, Paperers and Decorators ica, No 22—Union Labor Hall. Finishers—Union Cement and Plasterers Labor Hall. Hall. Labor Union—Union Plumbers 124 Div No Wasatch Conductors, Railway —{'O O-F Hall AMERICA...OF NEIGHBORS ROYAL F Hall. No 3240—I O O Camp r lsio Exce OF HERMAN SONS Labor Hall, n Lodge No 4—Unio TRAVELERS COMMERCIAL UNITED Sego O Union Labor Hall. Metal Workers Union—Eagles Home. A Musicians Protective Union No 356, M—330 Washington av. AMERICA. 474—2320 O Employees, and Restaurant Hotel Railway Washington 53—I of Int’nl Union Mason’s Stone Labor Hall. No 3—Union Wash. 20 Clerks—-23 Railway of d Brotherhoo av. Hall Labor Union—Union Builders Car 450 Carpenters and Joiners of America, No —2320 Wash av. Local America, of Union Int’n] Cigarmakers’ No 367—Eagles Home. Cooks and Waiters Union—Eagles Home. Hall. Electrical Workers. No 316—Hurst Desert. American (Locomotive) Engineers Div No 55—I O O F Hall. BrotherAuxiliary Int’nl Grand Engineers Clara. Engineers, Locomotive of hood Hall. O W 237—W Barton Div No Garment Workers—Eagles Hall. MOOSE. OF ay. MODERN ae ABBREVIATIONS. and Brick America, EAGLES. ORDER Hall. FRATERNAL No of America, Barbers : Grant av. 2527 Ogden Lodge No 719— ‘YEOMEN. AMERICAN OF BROTHERHOOD Wash0 —232 4505 No Homestead Ogden ington av. e OES : él Home. Electric and of Street Assn Amalgamated 418 No of America Employees Railway —Moose Hall. 28th. 573 138—rear Bakers Local No BPOE. Aeri Lh: t T—Masonic & CO’S Albt Alex Alfd Andw Arch coe: eeeeeeeeeene .........-. ee eeeeeeeseenee eeceeeeeeeeee ......... Chas Andrew eeeeeneeeeenee Chris .......... .......... .....-............... Alfred DEM Je ugus Benjamin Catherine Charles Christian GIVEN Eliz eeeeeee0eeee a Elizabeth bik aid ie aoe oe eeeeecee0n4enee Gilbt eeeeeeser#eee Herbt fu .......... Sate <bean Patk Richd e Gilbert Herbert lames eeseeoeoeeveeeoeee MMU sec cee eke Margt ......... eor Mich] ....... Nath] Edward @eeeoeeeeeee? Telegraph Co NAMES as 60.0% a 016 4:00) SPAUeL Edwd Archibald eeeeeeneeeeneeee? Benj Cath Albert Alexander Union oseph Katherine Margaret Robt ...... @eeeoceeve ....... eeeeeeees Michael Nathaniel Patrick Richard Robert Saml ....... Samuel Sol ........ Solomon Theo ...... Theodore Thos ........ Thomas Wm .......-. William |