OCR Text |
Show D 'B. H. GODDAR LOANS Building Materi , and Mill Work — emz@ : QF} g | TS ! eee Transfer gn Gee | r ) . i | bi | wtatt ea oe i Li| Ave Aut sa) | © ia e | ti tl etme : —— Bie Cemetery t Anna Orme hsosn, x ait 28a Henry CENTRAL butchr CARRIAGE Ogden 1c Cigar P & P Cor 159 ommercial WORKS (George Store Store), 26th. Huss), Auto Central Cepia si 1 O Fire Station Grant av ne cor 26th. esting & Power Co H E Skinner mer Bldg. HOTEL, on Propr, te CENTRAL Gentral Junior High School 504 25th. Central Park Presbyterian Church a 31144 Wash i a 200 ‘ 2 livestk 7 7 r N 429 | Ogden Ogden. Knit cn Co b N Y Ogden. Og Binford. : 2215 Lincoln rear Col Hud 220 25th. av. Addison J 648 r av. Wash Alice E (wid Wm A) r View. Geo F farmer b View. erlain Harry Can Amer formn F Co 22d r 930 Chamberlain La Chamberlain Waltor Chamberlain Wm C ; Whol Gro Co r 340 32d : : vie peers A studentb 328 32d . entral Carriage Works % t GEORGE Propr. HUSS, AUTOMOBILE AND GENERAL REPAIRING AUTO i — f 4 = | Beth Lights Machines, Edisona ten | r o . Fepé Cc. E. Armstrong & Cc Sporting Goods, Kodaks, Photographic Goppltss, Develop? Rubber Stamps farmer 4 av. Slaterville. Ogden. jasOlive vines E clk we Ogden n Utah Ute Peter Carriage and Wagon Makers, 2343 Hudson av, Tely " r r N overlain Lee Bee mberlain Lest L aiomms Dih Wheelri W sheriff farmer ° Ogden. r r Farr West E farme n Mrs HenryHilma erlai Chamb lain amber L r 648 Wash av. — OU R & Dr 825 27th Chamberlain JesseRue F clk s 78. Concrete (C pee Beeeeeriain oo Char, age 81.(J died Jan 23 20Works dep A r N J Leroy (Model Dairy) r N Lettie student b N Ogden. Chamberlain av. 2169 Lincoln 8 7°19 age died Sept Ornamental enna i M Magnus CENDAGORTA HENRY Center f T ba Gederstrom FAMe G av. Grant 2368 farmer allman Reuben T bkpr U P & L Co rms 2824 Wash av. Challoner Thos firmn U P rms Depot Hotel. q Cazier Blanche b 1947 Grant av. A arene.rant Pane sees av. Sta r 1947 Grant azier AeyThelma 2340 ) Challand S _ Ona Ogden Schl rms Ghallman ‘Emma faehr W est Chall avV.aa b 712 W Mayme Cederstrom . r rear Jos Chaix Cawley Milton hipr S Pr 310 24st. 30th. Gawley Sarah F (wid John B) r 222 Cawley Silas E piper S Pr 742 av.W 24th. een | | Bh Cawley ENDS Bai lab Cawley Geo W mach S P 30th. Gawley John W lab b 22224th. WITH TWO i | Da ay E Caw] Frank 30th. |lGawley Belle N b 222 Cawley Cecil C lab b 222 30th. Co rms Jos Chadwick ale M clk Depot Drug Store r 2627 Adams Gave Warren MOVE Ghadwick es adwick 23d. G b 313 Marvel John Chadwick Chadwick Cave Clifford 8 drugst G F 2911 Childs av. Gave Frank E sismn U P & L Go r Co r 317 23d. Cave Geo F pres-mgr Co-Op Drug Jos E (Depot Drug Store) r 313 23d. Cave ANYTHING hy i} a Apts. Cave Gave Madeline clk J°’L Moore r 442 43th. WE bt \ Chadwick : same. Chadwick Byron student b N Ogden. av. Wright’s r 2266 Wash City. Chadwick Ear] clk Chadwick FrankE moved to Salt Lake r 7 Ivy Apts. Gave Claude B drugst G F Cave Gave r 315 23d. ti hy t Ghadonis Jos car bldr 8 P. AlmAlma farmer r Slaterville. ick Chadwick Chadwick Benj emp Utah Schl D & Brms q 5 av. Robins 24th. 172 r lab Roman av. Stephens 2144 Dvr OUR& Hotel. St Paul 3271 r P 5 pipeftr swchmn Geo Ghabez 7 b 24 same, A John rms Shop) (Fashion Gerf Max Gevering Ceyo \ rms 43th 49 Argyle to Montello Nev. Caulk Harry Cave Mrs Callie E moved ! Shop 20th. r 422 slsmn r 4 College Ct. Gatlin Mrs Mary H swehmn O U R&Dr Co. pe a Motor Co tf 160 Patters Gastle John formn Binford-Kimball a 24th. Castle Raymond W cond U Pr 743 Cather Silas D rms 426 Adams av. Catlin Ella (wid Saml J) nurse 496 aca ett i Hotel. Patterson. 95 DIRECTORY—1920. CITY OGDEN Geragiali Guido lab r 2727 Lincoln av. 8 P. Gastee: Richd M hiprmald Royal gyle Apts. Cather Richd W Storage . 7 Cassin Jas r 2580 Lincoln av. Castilio Mrs Jennie Castle Florence b 160 Telephone 500-W | 429 Twenty-Fourth Street Castleberry Chas J moved to Provo. Apts. Argyle Castlemain Anna opr Tel Co b 21 Service Castlemain Harry C mgr Modern Tire & INSURANCE, REALESTATE, 128 R. L. POLK & CO’S 94 a Tel. 24th St. 156-164 WHOLESALE & RETAIL 306 25TH * a Agents FIRES 2343 Hudson BONDED TO THE Satisfaction” othe tice : , ae Avenue MiVierchants The “The Store of Complete Line of SPRINGS MOBILE te Cae elephone 119 || Ogden, Utah ~ Phone 2261 al n . Bureau Credit RELIABLE PROGRESSIVE money andemp ects more Merchants people Oredit. than allBureau other coll Ogden Agencies combined ea 201-203 & 214 ECCLES BLDC. PHONE 691 | |