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Show FOLEY VARIETY STORES 5, 10, 15, 26, 50c Up to $1.00 MERCHANDISE OF MERIT Ave. Tel. 303 CO’S Williams illiams Titus Mrs V J Wm Wm Wm illi Feb lf ns or | Dealers for OLDSMOBILE 1| PLEASURE | CARS axrnece WILLIAMS Fancy 3 B insp S P rms Vernon B av. K sn ay. 2017 Wash illiamsen cuenen la a City. : Virgie laund Model Lndry rms 2139 Lincoln ay. oe ios a oie tmstr r a : B clk Johnson-Stevens Co r 2315 Adams su H pres-treas Shupe-W Candy Co r 1435 oe W miller Associated Farmers lie C student & SMITH Groceries, b 2614 Monroe : M Co r 3405 | av. — (F E Williams D D Smith), Step Te Butter, Eggs and Annie c lk bi 2050 Washed Annie WILLIAMSEN av. r Salt Lake . LAURETS - C, Horseshoeing Meat, and 328 25th, General J te e age and Wagon Repairing, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Washington av, r 2050 same, Tel 1355. Williamsen Marguerite student b 2050 Wash av. | Williamsen Verna steno b 2050 Wash av. Williamson Clara I (wid Coleman) r 300 21st. Williamson David blksmth N Ogden r same, Williamson Henry L cook OS Lr 265 26th. | . a pe Williamson Jas plmbr r eri ester. illiamson Jas E ins r a Lorenzo GC clk W L Bramwell b 3467 Fee oe : Williamson Mary A clk Glen Bros-Roberts P Co Williamson Mrs Ruby J clnr r 2155 Reeves av. aise E Wilson. — Co r Williamson Walter C en ee $28, ; § P rms illis E B firmn 182 Tel Bldg, Hudson Col atiis JOHN G, Lawyer 311-312 r 3 Wright Apts, Tel 2176-M. (j. A. McCulloch Agency , INSURANCE AND LOANS REAL ESTATE 2. Offlee Under First National-Bank— p10j}2e.S av. HYsadVd TIVM Monroe jUjeq r 2614 Sarah (wid Henry T) r Wilson la. Thelma M student b 2614 Monroe av. Thos cook OS L. Thos F appr J G Read & Bros Co b 157 23d. Thos F cashr Shupe-W Candy Co b 1921 Wash ay. Thos H een S Leet aes 22d. Thos J painter r 4 st. Thos P Bk Shupe-W Candy Co b 1929 Wash av. Thos R clk r 1929 Wash av. 1 Williams Wm " r Farr West. Cornelius) Williams T A v-pres State Industrial Schl Wiliams T Rees elk b 218 W 20th. Williams Vera b 249 Wash av. Williams Vern Se rad a pe ‘Williams illiams iene Williams ha av. 218 W 20th. SLEZ TIRE (wid Childs age.77. Williams R B slsmn Wright’s rms 3118 Adams Williams | Williams Factory illiams Willietie 29th and | Pacific Ave.| Williams Williams illiiams | SEE US Pea q|AND CURE Williams YOUR Robt T farmer °19 “YUSPMA ef Nevada R & Drms DIRECTORY—1920. — Rose E Auto Top Co. b 2941 CITY Willis Mrs Mac W elk Golden Rule Mere Co r 2532 Orchard av. WILLOUGHBY LEON R, Treas Ogden Auto Service Co, r 2431 Adams av, Tel 1793. Wills Burt W died Sept 17 749 age 20. Wills Geo A (Eccles Bldg Barber Shop) r 2804 Wash av. Wills John G tmstr r 351 27th.. Wills Thelma W student b 354 27th. Willson B A timekpr Amal Sugar Co r 4044 Adams av. WILLYS-OVERLAND MOTOR CARS, Browning Auto Co, Distributors, 2450 Grant av. Wilson Agda P b 1140 25th. Wilson Almer S slsmn Last & Thomas b 1140 25th. Wilson Andw farmer r 469 12th. Wilson Mrs Annabel r 579 Cross. Wilson Annie student b 479 30th.. Wilson Art E city sexton r 2026 Jefferson av. Wilson Barlow B (Wilson Bros Co) r 2859 Wash av. Wilson Benj A farmer r 441 12¢h. Wilson Bernice student b 931 23d WILSON BROS CO (TS and B B Wilson, CA Tite), Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 2781 Wall av, Tels 626-627. Wilson Chase farmer b Huntsville. Wilson Clarence A trucker O UR & Dr 1965 Grant av. Wilson Ciothilde b 636 7th. ‘\ ilson Clyde E appr W O Jackson Co rms 257 22d. Wilson Conrad J clk O.UR & Dr 16 Argyle Apts. Wilson Cyrield student b 636 7th. Wilson Darrell E hlpr § P r 274 28th. Wilson David B carrier P O r 643 12th. ; “Erom Wilson David E eng r 1960 Jackson av. Producer WILSON DAVID J, Lawyer 703 Eccles Bldg, Tel 803, r 2642 To Monroe av, Tel 468. Wilson Delbert L blksmth b 274 28th. Consumer” Wilson Dick H swehmn r 2832 Pacific av. Wilson Dunbar L tmstr r 2823 Wash av. Wilson Karl R clk OU R & Dr 2367 Madison av. Wilson Edgar rms 2468 Pacific av. Wilson Edith M student b 2832 Pacific -av. Wilson Edna dipr W F Jensen Candy Co b 2026 Jefferson ay. Wilson Edwd emp Kennedy’s rms 2468 Wash. av. Wilson Edwd E millmn rms 1917 Ghilds av. — Wilson Edwd T (Pan-Co-Vesta Club). r 480 Chester. Wilson Edwin-H collr Ogden Standard b 2026 Jefferson av. Butter Wilson Elberta b 579 Gross. .. . Wilson Elsie R b 1960 Jackson av. Cheese Wilson Elwood W b 606 W 24th. ie Eggs Wilson Emeline E (wid Calvin GC) rms 437 Binford. Wilson Ernest cook O § IL. Buttermilk Wilson Ernest 8 bkpr Coml Nat Bank r 470 Doxey. Wilson Eva smstrs Scowcroft’s b 3163 Hudson avy. Etc. Wilson Eva M student b 2832 Pacific av. LNIVd Williams Williams av. SAW Tire Co. Parry — Reese P died May 22 Robt C truckmn § P. 1 Williams Regert clk OU 343 SsW15 Williams Williams Williams H student Dr 6Sp oucYy d esnoH Ramond O P mgr & NO, OA ID sn 107 Williams Williams Veclk OUR | "09 su E1090QG & OGDEN Oscar pure Bu 40 sessei9 lly UOepisu) eyeUlysy UY R. L.. POLK Williams Bujzeu00eg 2410 Washington Economy Butter Shop I. J. McKELL,D.c. CHIROPRACTOR . Suits 409-10-11 and 401. Fourth Floor Col. Hudson Building X-Ray Laboratory 426 °°" ° Phone 630 a) _., Ogden, Utah. “2450 Wash. Ave | |