OCR Text |
Show ; | pH. GODDARD iz a9 24th Street . en Gale Harold Gale Heber Gale Transfer & Gale Jas Gale Tae Gale Jas ® B (aid (wid hor BP 27 Wash Jas)dan) +r 2740 Gale Nora rms 606 23d. Gall Albt farmer b Wesley Gall Annie b Wesley Gall. Gall Dora (wid Wesley) Gall Henry N farmer r W HN Gall, Bb Scowcroft’s Gall Kate insp Gall Jennie yall Wesley Gall Wm WE MOVE farmer Suit r Ogden. Valises and ce Goods, 2376 ence Huds | . Gallagher Bessie Irma Gallentine Lemoyn ENDS R (wid Wm tchr Gallagher Wm Grant F clk Utah J) rms Constn J r 3463 2248 Tel. Galt Viola Gammeter I b R.S 360 Goddard. blksmth Hooper Gampton John.student Gampton Wm H r 2251 Garanindi Saml (Royal Garcia Amelia died Nov Garcia Dolores died July b 2251 Jefferson age Wall Ca L clk Francis Frank P rms ee zyncoln 2581 ee av. avy. ams tr ins agt r 2739 Madison av. r N Ogden. 34th. Samer Guy N musn r 2 Browning Sarner Hazel av. Adams r 2834 Dept Police student b 309 E Barner Henry r 3261 Wall av. . | a her Jas N wchmnr 2602% av. Apts. Adams Marner Henry J grocer Plain City er Horace E clk G A Nicholas lamer Jas student b N Ogden. ~ av. av. r same Cor 3135 Adams Wash av. av. av. 24. Garcia Edwd A timekpr S P r 2828 Grant av. Garcia Mates lab rms 2127 Wall av. Gardell Louis plstr r 125 26th. ; Garder Horace T tmstr John Farr Coal Co r 1826 Grant Gardiner Bertram A repr U P & L Co b 667 21st. Gardiner Elmer C car bldr S P r 1207 Wash av. Gardiner Laverne nurse Dee Hosp rms Nurses Home.~ Gardiner L Willard bkpr Lion Coal Co b 667 21st. © lc. E. Armstrong & Sporting " r Hooper. ite, Roy. Ogden. Scowcroft’s S guard av. Hotel) r 2522 14 °19 age 28. 1 719 Co av. Fred _ Garner » Sugar ay. - Garner Geneva smstrs Scowcroft’s b 3740 Wash av. | Garner Glen electn The Lighthouse b 2739 Madison a Jefferson . Ogaen. farmer L b N smstrs ) Garner Fred K r 331 = Galt Matthew A jr hlpr S P r 3276 Grant av. Wash r N ) Garner Fred E farmer 3 ag Galloway Stewart CG cook O § L. Galt Matthew A bkpr r 360 Goddard. 2340 Grant Ave. » Garner ene. ay. ‘ 20th. ) Garner Mrs Emily opr U p Lng Co r 4 Helm Apts.~ Ogden Apts. Coas r 2 Argyle te b 1943 Stephens ) Garner David I farmer r Jefferson ay Gallentine Twila V student b 525 Canyon rd. Gallentine Vernon R rancher r 525 Canyon rd. farmer " Garner Chauncey r 953 234d. Schl Art M ; ene Ella » Garner Elva ANYTHING || Gallagher A Gertrude clk Bureau of Pub Roads b 224 Gallagher eial "Garner Asa lab Ogden P & P Co. r 2547 Lincoln av. WITH oie Garner Alfd hipr Ogden Iron Wks Co r 315 32d. Gallacher Grant W trunk mkr Mrs DI Gallacher rms a Gallacher Ronald J student b 2547 Lincoln av. TWO o-rms Garner Alma D (Ogden Tire Filler Co) r 309 Adams av. | Garner A Edwin ook ers a - & D b 3070 Wash av. ie Leather oe § b N Ogden. "Garner Albt H r 3740 ae MRS D I, Dealer in and Manufacturer ofT Cases, Garneau Louis rms 210 W Garneau Louis J » Garner Ada Gall. . eink MiGamncan Jennie J (wid Louis T) r 1943 Stephens av. ay. . = ae aS 44 Wet aoe Sgarlick Chester oe ener r Farr West, ep SyGarlick rd PkgPkg GoGo b 19434 Stephens av emp Godard Bernice Efarme > Garneau Elsbury Ng b 2825 Pingree ay. ae 175 eae s Auto Garker Philip car bidr S : ee a Pingree eae Cheesman ine G mech eeWm Gardner av. Gall. r 2825 farmer b Wesley GALLACHER Gardner Geo driver OS tee av. Liberty § P r 2630 P blksmth Bale Lilies Lilley Gale ‘ a al ay. Pol: 2763 ‘Ma Madison. olice2 De Dept ty r 2763 e oot patro C av. 500-W acl all av. Pe hee Pub of Bureau Art rodmn scat Alfd) (wid A diner Sarah ‘ a Sener qa Ogden Telephone AUTOMOBILE Seeeeiner Mary A (wid JeH66) od opr Tel Co b 3266 Adams Role twncdnes Storage Co Herma BS 3266 r Co Furn Boyle whsmn 30th. b 359 F student D CLARY, POSTAL _____ oapen city DIRECTORY—1920. ee R. L. POLK & CO’S 174 Gale Glenn D clk J S Daniels b 359 30th. INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE ACCIDENT AND HEALTH PLATE GLASS Goods, Kodaks, Photographic Supplies, er Lida student b Plain City. her LL Marie clk S P b 2834 Adams > aver Mabel P (wid Thos x Her mer mer Se Marie Mary Owen ner Philip clk opr Tel Co rms Woolworths (wid Jos) farmer farmer rms r Roy. r Burch on Merchants , Deve 0 and Printing, Bicycles, Talking Machines, Edison Lamps, Franco Flash Lights with Radio Rubber Stamps 306 a * ICIENT BONDED Be TO THE Sto av. b 2739 356 32d. 477 Doxey. Madison av. 2422-2428 Washingtem Ave. Ogden, Phone Creek. Credit PROGRESSIVE STATE OF UTAH Satisfaction” Bureau FOR ‘ RELIABLE $5000.00 The Mer Chants Credit Bureau collects more money and employs 201-2 Fe people than all other Ogden Agencles combined 03 & 214 ECCLES BLDG. PHONE 691 SLANT Utah 2261 |