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Show PAs ted. STUN, Poea ee Las fe Pe oe i and Mill Work | worsuscer 156-164 24th St. on pee Van Komen VANLATO Wm farmer (The r 3226 Wall Van Leeuwen ae Pr 2462) Lincoln av. Siorage Timmers Van Arnold Limburg jan rms mach 3226 Wall 527 Sovb 8 Pr a Van tet, Henak U chkr U P Lndry rms 2567 Butler ave [ese Renee dG Utasd Wb heey, one Van Namee Alfd A student rms WE Van Natter Van Van Van Ness Ness Ness as ie G j an WITH Roenen John Van Rookhuyzen TWO nee Bonin an Rug ENDS la Jos Z baer Neorts fan Van Rugge Ida emp aio Ogden : Jefferson ae Stm Lady 27 a ee eran ecladentb Plain Gi rear 5 ; ~2 ee Jaughn eae t G ve, Why Van Why Van cigarmkr Wm r 34 Wilson 2273 Mrs Ella clk rTribe Frank | 98th. «eas og. ae Van Why Genes 2543 Lincoln P rms Mutual Creameryav. Van Winkle Jas aefirmn Ucapper Van ida eo Pe , mo emp Ogden V8 P-& 2) ae Go b 204 aW 204 W - E. yj Armstrong Sporting 1 gglalta toh lg and Printing, Bicycles, LaTnd: saeee Flash Are re ne aie g i with & ; Ze lies, Develop!ns |, Edison Maz é Radio Batter! ST-\| mace r Ath. av. Leon T slsmn Rd pte Osa Lior R T Mitchell ae Co r 5 Covey ; r 3031 Adams Apts. av. 547 Ath. teen : Raloh O form P eo Gea Co Ot Oed 2a 714 oe av. cae per. Me : ane P Veal Otis J baker Wash Mkt rms 2474% Wash ay. eee cBride Be Geo leasy ee Papo Me Pau easy Meee Drug r Co ee ams student ams av. Co. b 2671 Mr Adams av. av. |Satisfaction” | Hotel. Vedas Saml clk The Wistaria rms Arlington 3244 Stevens av. | 2422-2428 jj Washington Ave. ===] {| Phone 2261 Veenstra Albt H prsmn Ogden Standardr Veenstra Emma b Frank Veenstra. Veenstra Frank farmer r Wilson la. Veenstra Henry Hi. farmer r Wilson la. ee 306 25TH ee av. Adams Vaughn Leonard driver J H Wheelwright r°2656 Jackson av. ae aughn Vau PatPL Si cos Co.)aa Conroy Ye Fra atheyy sou ones a Cee ean Cc. c b 3031 Vause Francis F r 2413 Madison ay. ieee van Woerkom John clk OU R & D r 3153 Pacific av ee wh so ie alge! ae Vans Vaus John farmer r Plain City. attersom Blane. it Henrietta T’ Pkg Co r 2759 Grant av. Vaughn Violet emp Ogden Stm Lndry rms & F Oo b aus: Wie PDuties Woerkom Art btchr Ogden Van 3 AW Van Woerkom ao a oF Van Woerkom Van Meet erson. 26th. Vaughn Wm A lab Amal Sugar Go 1 2035 Wash av. x See wrapp atterson. in Geo R Jaughn e eae Eatee b 2273 Adams av. Jones av. &Adams dase ee Des ao 24th. 738 VAUGHN JOHN, Baggage and Express Delivered to Any Part Venable Henry L (Venable Bros) r 2547 Grant av. , 4th, Tel 1 404K. at la. 584 Guy E clk § P r 2532 Lincoln av. Guy. a elk C H Smith r 2969 Adams Isabelle B died Dec 2°19 age 65. Vaughn vasa aughn 23AQ isn tenes ACL en Wee RA is 2624 adams EN Van Unen pipeftr Goddard r 3069 Wall av. Ethel E asst E M Vaughn Cie aes ; ae Sweeden Carl J painter S Pr 553 4th. Van Sweeden John lab Ogden P en r 525 3d. Van Bwveeden J06 Taug aa Jeffers b rear Vash penMemo redts ict a Van Patten Alonzo r 2393 Varela 8 L rms H tmstr Shaw & Stone Coal Cor rear 1265 Wasn av. - va io Van Ness Winilla waiter euedy cee 2055 Ogden av. on ay: ms 313 2am Van Quill Bary ae Steg 2 MOVE ANYTHING elk Aniceto whsmn‘O Varney Jas W ‘psee por | av. Grant ae . Glen Re . Cor 2759 a 2 a 1a 120-W. SOL Fred J clk Amer Can eee see Meee § an Ness Hote Ramon Varney Clifford firmn U P rms 2543 Lincoln av. Varney Frank b 162 W 30th. WwW 20th. Varney Brewpub Oeden P & P Co e426 Varney Jas J (Sunrise Floral Co) r 4162 W 30th. a 3 L, Asst Cashr Ogden State Bank, rms_ VAN METER EVERETT Varela Varley Varley Wm * av. Matilda student b 3153 Pacific av. Varley John J lab r 1840 Childs av. Varley Mai B b 1840: Childs av. _ | Everett storekpr 8 P r 3255 Stephens av. Limburg Wall ay. a Cans iobanes L shaker U P Lndry rms 3303 Van Lune John trucker OU R & D. B 479 Patterson. W 204 car bldr S Pr = e. S By a Merchants EFFICIENT “y The Credit PROGRESSIVE RB |Ogden, Utah Bureau RELIABLE BONDED TO THE STATE OF UTAH FOR $6000.00 Merchants Credit Bureau collects more money and employs more people than all other Ogden Agencies combined 201-203 & 214 ECCLES BLDG. PHONE 691 eee a AiBe i ee ee \ : —— Varela Aniceto confr 584 24th r same. Varela John clk b 584 24th. od av. Jos Woerkom Van Woerkom fai a Mrs Minnie rms 3243 Wall av. Van Leeuwen Van ; 21st. ees W 21st. r Farr West. Ae Rd Telephone 500-W OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1920. i 836 21st. Empress), Geo carp 429 Twenty-Fourth Street Van Leeuwen Herman driver Boyle Furn Co r 3291 Pingree= ay. Van Leetwen Kate wrapr Wright’s rms 3243 Wall avo & Co rb LUCY Vian Leeuwen Transfer b 836 laund Lydia Van Komen | Ogden go i INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE, LOANS Tel. 128 R. L. POLK & CO’S 478 OOPS caw dt me trees GODDARD H. B. . Building Material | , ‘ OME ee een; arene \ a |