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Show 7 eo De. Richins Leland b 2411 D ay, a ae i 1 ee 38 John T insp O UR & Drms 2519 Orchard ay, Mrs Sarah A r 7 Argyle Apts. a Rideau Marie died Jan 10 ’20 age 36. Rider Lynn clk O UR & D rms 2715 Grant av. RIDGE ALICE M, M D, Physician and Surgeon, Off 10 to 12 AM, 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P M, Sundays 10 Office and Res 46-47 Lewis Blk, Tel 155. S. H. HENDERSHOT Manager The Troy Way is the Right Way 2538-40 Wall Av. Tel. 2074 Adams autavy. 3162 Adare C chfr b b 3162 Eugene Jos H student ; ‘ x oo Oe ae : | z ay. same, o KING COAL “iig) a STATES FUEL CO. SALT LAS FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE eae ania ae aie FARM LANDS career: Riverdale uscmment Hall Riverdal Riverdale. Co) iverdal Riverdale. F Be erdale Ward Meeting House (L DS) Riverdale. ne Patk aE o s) 14835 Wash oak Bod) Roach Thos oe "g p ae aes ee Dare Ro. ges we os Ww oe | ae Roark | Sa 965 ne t hoy © clecth Caden 22d rvice oe Beno. Robb C Burton. ee messr:ae W W Browning mi eee oer Ob. We Co b 428 20th ; 29th > 428 20th & Co ou b 586 86 13tl ie : e Bobb Jessie smstrs State Industrial Schl r 3016 Porter av. ' Pt 243 13 20nd §L asst rE Burton mgr 28th. Robb Montgomery Imp Cor 586 13th. & Son p7"A'N'0's | |/.M.Pantone Se Everything In : Out of High Rent District We Save You $100 to $200 on Each Instrument | 2874 Hudson Ave. cor 29th SST 2409 HUDSON | ; Buy Sell or Exchange av ee eee oe Robb Mita $ student b 586 13th ~ Robb Bernice student b 586 13th a eon Riley Verna H clk Wright's b 205 28th. UNITED REAL ESTATE 25th. ee die ees by ni is one aer soakys ; River eee T 115 E Thomas ‘a W 29th & Co r 621 Maryland:av. rms 210 31st Rileyy Myrfle My avy. LOANS Milling Flour Mill (Holley tne Riverdale SS -ety _ Riverdale School] Riverdale. x RILEY JAMES H, Cashr Pingree Nat Bank, r 2820 L Be. 20g ec : . | eo 2 Moach M Rigley Frank jr lab Ogden P & P Co b 1952 Stephe Riley Dixie W supvr Utah Schl D & B rms Riley Emily J (wid John W) r 205 28th. ee owe ferme ee ee ee ee ; Miterside Gare SS OG Photographs, 416 24th. Ridges Wilford O tchr Weber Normal Coll r 3162 1 Ridges Wilford O jr clk Ogden P & P Co b 3162 AC ra Rigley Frank lab r 1952 Stephens ay. ais av. Monroe : student b 813 eu). 5th Riser Florence Smiser Sara L (wid Orson) © 8i3 ae Rishton Cath studen 529 35th eon David © farer 629 Beth. eon Mary student son Neon eee eae Richie Nee eee erp T 3556 Adams ordale— av eee John carp foot Bao. gi: RIDGES STUDIO (Joseph Ridges), F C Rabe Mgr, Riley Ida Geo cik plmbr rms Riley Co irie Sylvan A farmer b 2050 Adams av. Ser Claire G lino W W Browning & Co b 813 Me. ae and Ogden Engr iy Ridges Lowell W chfr b 3162 Adams Burton , Ririe Riddiough Chas R clk b 7 Argyle Apts. Riddiough Frank T appr § Pb 7 Argyle Apts. Riddiough Gladys D opr Tel Co b 7 Argyle Apts. Ridges ideds see Jos A student b 2670 Monto® av. Mmirie Lettie Olin H farmer b 2050 Adams av. Richmond Dean appr § P b 167 21st. Richmond Gladys B student b 167 24st. Richmond John C gen formn D & RG r 167 21st. Richmond Thos W waiter O S L rms 2258 Ogden Richter Annie (wid Fred F) rms 1720 Wash av. _ Richter Otto jan Central Jr High Schl r 2468 Was Ricketts Arch H clk OUR & Dr 530 234. a Riddell Walter brkmn U P r 427 28th. Riddiough Riddiough Imp Erie q ee aoe eee ms av. r 2670 Mepirie student? cSb 2670 . Monroe Kileenfarmer "Ririe Alex Richins Oriel J student b 2411 D av. Richi Richins Mumerio Afton J student en We = Richins b 2411 D av. pipeft J 2050 Adams av ) = Elmer Frank Bempplinger Hey) ROE a ane See! i Richins Richins | iordan prey te Richins Aldo student b 2441 D av. Rior - : Errore. Richins Abbie student b 2411 Dav. tal = Lincol farmer r Marriott. Richie Lawrence caanl cook r 133 W , Be ebers Chas G Reardon. see also dan | | Madis, c r 2444 Froerer & Fowles Oscar RB tinr r 555 20th.27th. A ———SSSS 2526 rms P irmn Jas ichie . D. 64 389 a Loreta F clk OU R-& Db re sere Ol OGDEN i ae. DIRECTORY—1920. CITY aia Richey Harriet student b 645 30th. eieney pecney | egrets = R. L. POLK & CO’S Phone 1378 Office = i Post Near : 388 Hage 24th Street — Prices Nights and Sunday * Hh 2428 HUDSON AVENUE i _|\massive ' Makes Wholesale AV. — th Prien) Standard ‘|)pugged RACTIC - CHAS. DEE Ha migik | ¥ Tel. 1209 Phone 917 OGDEN UTAH |