OCR Text |
Show i ' i ‘ Building Mater 1 ; : He eT an as i | |) ‘ Pa | | Finith at ime Tey ‘" 1} Hf if : i re i : , ; ' H di i : | ail i ie | 5 i} iS : { : : r " : ; : i H ! ai aah | cee A ; : i) ue hit) WE MOVE : | Pie bey i ' it } hel ‘ i || > ‘ , sk } bi we a - \ ' t| if th a }| 4s b ° 5 ' yey TT mete WITH _ TWO ENDS Ent G 4 _-ANYTHING | HE { : ; : , < ; } a) ery rh ”“ | - . Pe it : i} nh } th is i || iy 7 | entea ‘ : VW is hin eee et ’ } i i 13 eR a if Et | | re 4 a qa : 7 ‘ ‘3 ; | a) 5 ¢ j Mig & CO’S ———__........ £Q@DEN ze ? Ti , | : Ave, 910 Madison B carp r 2045 Adams av. © Rhees. Reid and ee - Mel Exch Aletha student rms 2002 Jackson av. Billiard Parlor (G W Chase) base Reed Bryan S lab rms 2002 Jackson av. 845, r 1064 see also Rhees Geo A ee Moroni ecosc "Reese 26th, Tel tchr Sidney W lab died Oct 15 Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Cecil Chas Chas Earl Edwd Harry farmer r Warren Rr 2344 Adams av. T brkmn S P rms 444 27th. (Garr & Reed) r 622 23d. A slsmn Geo A Lowe Co r 549 J vuleanizer rms 832 25th. °19 age Tels 65. and Hotel Co H pres P) A.P rms Bigelow 2654 Reed John D hipr § P. Reed Louisa died Dec 23 °19 age 81. Reeder Mrs Birde W china decorator Reeder David G student b 832 22d. see Jackson - pro Tae ay. — ; 1064 26th Reeder Edwin F’' comp W W Browning & Cor 454 29th. ds Reeder Frances M r Marriott. ee: Reeder Francis H electn U P & L Cor 1159 21st. Reeder Rowena steno b 824 Printing, Lamps, ’ : 7 Kodaks, Bicycles, Franco Rubber Stamps r , « Goods, a. av. < Reeves Flash Talking Lights Machines, with U S Internal Revenue Service, Public, r 2649 Liberty av, Tel Eleanor tchr Ca & Develop! Edison Radio & 306 «eo Madison Schl b 2202 Adams Reeves Ernest W painter S P r 2063 Monroe av. Reeves Fredk E mach Eccles Lbr Co r 2409 Lincoln Reeves Harry E painter S P r 530 22d. Reeves John r 2202 Adams av. Reeves Mary E student b 530 22d. eS ‘Reeves Wesley W cook OS Lr 2716 Pacific av. Regan see Ragan. €gan Lenora rms 551 23d. ehberg see Reberg. fi. av. av. av. Reid Edith steno De Vine Stine & Gwilliam b 981 24th. Zc Mrs Jane moved to Tooele =o Thos A plstr r 9814 24th. fid Walter F plstr rms 121 W Gilley see Riley. U. 26th. meer Harry W (Eagle Grocery) r 215 27th, Renbart Frank mach § P r 307 31st. finke Frank carp Globe G & M Co. Be vshriber Harry (Nat Outfitting Co) r 1 Helm Apts. fMmshriber Jos 22d. Photographic Supplies av. Reichardt, Walter L steward O 8 Lr 519 Plaza Apts. ae Geo J see Cub Oil & Gas Co r 3153 Porter Jas blksmth S P r Marriott. Jesse C clk P O rms 2653 Madison av. Roscoe §S drftsmn S P b 832 22d. Douglas farmer r 782 21st. Florence b 428 22d. G Jackson tchr High Schl r 2670 Jackson Harry D slsmn b 426 22d. Irma smstrs Scowcroft’s b 428 22d. fid see also Read Reed and Rhead. Reid Andw firmn S P rms 2539 Adams r sam Reeder Edwd H hlpr § Pr 217 30th. Reeder Reeder Reeder Reeder rd. | Reeves Cath G student b 2202 Adams av. 66. C Bigelow Hotel 4441-421 25th. Reed Isaprene (wid Fred Canyon 60. Reeve Wm A cond UI Cr 426 22d. Reeves Benj E mach § Pr 101 W 33d. 22d. ‘Reed Hotel Barber Shop (H G White) base Reed Hote Reed Hotel Block Wash av s e cor 25th. _ a Reed Hotel Cafe Reed Hotel Co proprs Reed Hotel. — Reed 24th. 651 3099-M. Reeve Mabel student b 426 22d. Reeve Ole (Song Shop) b 782 21st. Reeve Roland J musn b 426 22d. Reed Harry S trfmgr Ogden Whol Gro Co b 2344 Ada REED HOTEL, Reed Hotel Co Proprs, H W Beckett jr M 25th, rms & T Co O P B 624 rms Schl Riverdale REEVE JOHN W, Represeriting Public Accountant, Notary : i Os 2322. : r Leora Walter Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Reeve Hote] | 22d. "Reeriks Geo W asst gen mgr Amal Sugar Cor 2548 Jackson av. "Rees _ Rees Rhead. 383 H JR, Attorriey-at-Law, Suite 629 Eccles Bldg, " REEDER WM av. Reed Reed Reed and i | * ct. . Memecder Wim H carp r 824 22d. " ee © j DIRECTORY—1920. West Dh "Reeder Seth D ctr Modern Mkt r 230 30th. "Reeder Thos G drftsmn U § Forest Serv b 832 "Reese Sporting , r Telephone 500-W CITY _r 2338 R carp "Reeder Wm ae &Nhs sats C. E. Armstrong h en : POLK << A # ad en 4 enh & INSURANCE, \ 7a ¢ iy ; re | Grant Tel. ef if : 1 eee 7 ey es = ee <— eu, ome S a ; ee of al 5 : 1 Tit SY f 7 pi fi | 2340 et iM r jeu) er DARD B. H. GOD REAL ESTATE, LOANS Fa ae {INCORPORATED |_—_—a_ Deo ae 424° he ‘bol i 3 Reece see Rees and Reed see also Read, ! f y L. | Reeber Leo J carp r 2653 | Bt 7 . Reeder Roy Transfer & Storage Co. . | Pe : : | | rae i St. 7 r ‘ 24th oe Reeve Albt G cond S Pr 428 22d. | ty R. Ogden ai a 156-164 i 7 429 Twenty-Fourth Street ati Bt : and Mill Won WHOLESALE & RETAIL iHM ; 31 ae | / th f F ‘ | v OH - [s=@ |. (Nat Outfitting Co) r 2731 Wash av. — Merchants EFFICIENT BONDED The Merchants more people TO THE Credit PROGRESSIVE STATE OF UTAH Credit Bureau than all other 201-203 & 214 ECCLES BLDG. Bureau FOR RELIABLE $5000.00 collects more money Ogden Agencies and employs combined PHONE 691 Satisfaction” i 2422-2428 Washington Ave. Ogden, Utah Phone 2261 |i # ff |