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Show FOLEY VARIETY STORES 2410 Washington Ave. in eat a = 1 Storey |Storey Story Story Story Story Story Story Story ef Nevada POLK & / CO’S segs Rero=Cushion Tire Co. Sold Bought, Whiteiy . See Me Before You Buy or Sell se +NY » on Auto Go. Dealers and for 1) OLDSMOBILE PLEASURE CARS — 1800 STRATFORD and FIRESTONE TIRES for =, ¥ AVE. Phone F The Best of Pri OGDEN, 686-J |] ALFRED E, Real Estate, Loans, Insurance? av. Broom Hotel, Tel 69, r 1972 Washington Gds Co b 774 21 Stratford Arde] steno Proudfit Sptg Repairing, ee STRATFORD CHARLES H, Furniture Try Us, 3 Remodeling FIRST is on CO. file with KINDS OF the Secy BILLS of State EVERYWHERE Reports Furnished Rentals Loans Negotiated PHONE 755-J NATIONAL BANK BLDG. a Specialty OGDEN, UTAH STRATFORD DECORATING CO (H B Stratford), Wall Paper, Paints and Draperies, 2318 Washington av, Tel 459. (See right side lines). Stratford Earl A solr r 369 7th. Stratford Edwin clk Stratford Decorating Co b 774 21st. STRATFORD EDWIN A (Stratford Collection & Reporting Co), Rentals and Loans, 441 First Nat Bank Bldg, Tel 755-J Stratford Stratford Stratford Stratford Stratford Eliz O b F W Stratford. Erma L student b 2324 Jackson av. E Carl clk Boyle Grocery b 2102 Monroe av. Francis W pres Bd of Education r Wilson la. Frank W mach S P rms 2759 Wall av. Stratford Geo E farmer Stratford Horace H Stratford Marianna Stratford Myrtle clk Stratford Phoebe T To Consumer” av. Economy E Hart b 635 21st. ee etford Virgil G hipr Redfield-King b 2324 Jackson av. Beatton Adelle (wid Edwd) r Riverdale rd. 3 : RATTON ARTHUR E (Stratton Bros), r Riverdale, Tel 42 _R_9. STRATTON BROS (Arthur E Stratton), Auto Repairs, 2093 Washington patton av, Eva clk Wm Florence Tel 688. Stratton student b (See adv p b Riverdale. Riverdale rd. | Stteeper Block 242-246 Wash Butter Shop 444). Tatton Horace B (Ogden Welding & Repr Co) R roe ay. zatton John L rest r 520 22d. mon Laura R (wid Wm H) rms 743 27th. tr On Wm grocer Riverdale r same. awn Chas J brkmn U Pr 978 21st. and under classified Collection Agencies). “From Producer Co), r 774 21st, bkpr U P & L Co b 774 2itst. died Sept 26 °19 age 88. Paine & Hurst b 2324 Jackson r 1972 Wash av. eratford Priscilla clk W St a Specialty, If Its Broken : r Wilson. Stratford Haines student b 774 21st. ORD ee B (Stratford Decorating Bee ton . 635 21st. Go rms 2270 Ei Stratford Chester L clk Sullivan Drug CO (Edwin STRATFORD COLLECTION & REPORTING ford), 444 First Nat Bank Bldg, Tel 755-J. pone COLLECTION & for 5000 ALL 443 r 2102 Monroe av, Tel 2617-NR. si av. Stowell Edson M clk De Wit Bros r 2843 Reeves avy. Stowell Victor clk Depot Drug Store b 437 Binford Strait Ward B chfr r.53 Argyle Apts. Strand Carl baker r 3001 Wash av. -‘Strankman Mrs Ruby M rms 365 22d. Strata Jos lab S P. : Stratford Albt Eyr 2324 Jackson av. EXPRESS TRUCKS Distributors WASHINGTON DIRECTORY—1920. Mercantile . : Exchanged ALSO A FULL LINE OF PAINTS Up-To-Date Repair Shop In Connection Bond COLLECTS Stowe’s New & Second Hand si CARRY CITY REPORTING Stout Frank W rms 166 25th. . Stowe Hyrum r 624 7th. STOWE HYRUM B (Stowe’s New & Second Hand Store), ae Tel 686-J. aa Stowe Jas P lab rms 2027 Orchard av. an Stowe Wm transitmn City Eng r 644 7th. STOWE’S NEW & SECOND HAND STORE (Hyrum B (See adv). 4800 Washington ay, Tel 686-J. WE OGDEN Our ve TROUBLE —— STRATFORD Thos B fruit grower N Ogden r same. Wm painter r N Ogden. Arch H mach r 302 32d. Chas H lab rms 228 30th. Geo H blrmkr Ogden Iron Wks Co r 1025 Capitol a Hazel M mangler Amer Linen Co b 2843 Jefferson Helen mangler Amer Linen Co b 2843 Jefferson a Luther S carp r 3654 Ogden av. Robt W mldr Ogden Iron Wks Co r 2843 Jefferson Story Roy brickmkr Ashton Fire Brick & Tile Co 7 528% factory 29th and Pacific Ave. a —$—$———ee L. p4i0j}e13S Aero- R. suljzeiov9g 442 Butter r 2428 Cheese Mon- Eggs - Buttermilk Etc. av. 2450 = Phone 340 J. A. McCulloch REAL OFFICE eee ESTATE, TEL. INSURANCE Agent AND LO RES. 301 2 Office Under First National Bank Wash. l.J.McKELL, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Suits 409-10-11 and 401 Fourth Floor Col. Hudson Building X Ray Laboratory 426 | Phone 630 "OF buh “USEM SLE? 69h eUucUd Buijeucceg Spisuy Pue Buljuregd esnoy } 40 SeSseiO IlW UO O}eLUIIGSA UY NO, SAIH Sf 407 ssv15 — LNIVd — YsdV¥d TIVM mss | ; . "OAY » Wrights 6, 10, 15, 25, 50c Up to $1.00 MERCHANDISE OF MER i OGDEN’S ONLY DEPARTMENT STORE Ogden, Utah a |} Ave inne |