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Show Cee ee ee eae 7, 1928. DECEMBER G, FRIDAY EVENIN a Tr DDT A TIMI THe P- Ogden Soci before entrain practice Saturday The coast. the Ins ¥) inday for Brewer OGDEN.—Miss Marjorie entertained her bridge club Tuesday chap Wedel fe, el eanae Schereee Jefferson evening at her home, 2131 served at one oe ¥ ~ ITT" THURSDA EVENING. DECEMBER : 6. 1928 AEECOY vee of yellong table, with a centerpiece low chrysanthemums in 4 crystal crystal in were candles Yellow bowl. Covholders at the ends of the table. Miss ers were laid for club members, r, Mostelle Rosa Miss Miller, e Marjort Miss Kate Fenton, Miss Betty Hurst, Mary Miss Lizette Maginnis, Miss s 9 bas Hurst, Miss Marion Mills, Miss Edna Miss Stewart, Mrs. Andrew Kasius, Isaac Mrs. Juanita Ramsey and i aia : . On Departs Team vy eper : ; ae d S iracy Will ; unaay = Ww : will a p people David Doxey, ATrNC Arnold arty will sail at noon Wednesday from San Franmina. Wilhel 8. S. the on cisco Jack ; ; | ee udent body at derson. er bote Mrs. Mrs. Peter Peter es Sinia, Anderson, David Clapier. Fred, tf and to duate iduate 1 wor afternoon pines aa bstre > Woy daily on the will be during the sez boat Members : aboard | January. December 21, Weber will re-| where a final | to Honolulu, drill 4 in preparation vill be 1 staged E t Vatrtie,. the for turn Coach Delton : rs and - . boost the c Bramwell through wwe a final a will send stiff work- drill Satur- the and team the Sunday at 2 p. m. for eith Ke at Honolul ee i morning al oe it ee nine-]| “| ee j aoe Pa t a aS work will game. Members of th: Weber for ers eS Sysco: v Wilhelmina the on the} bid to train the at BOAT THE ABOARD ball When the Weber Collec test | aa. | an iteam boards the boat in players good luck and the stationof rang with the songs and yells “Bugs” the school led. by Roger Woods, peppy paused as ar “é ee » ready to board e two weeks’ game a ny the rest ot leisco Chee yell college Weber Po : leader. v were 2 d players All of top condition, Bramwell § ; in UD") as he} the Cae train. that ; ath their gave aug @ CGealta Cecil Hich. soe aaa : ee ea oes the| passports: Ray Tigers have their Doxey and Blton Anderson, Jack last -s have had since their has put them in splendid cpt | Merlon Stevenson, former Weber Re at mentor, who is coaching | ity of California, wi mak Univers players at Berkeley. and the them. Besa with i \ Hawaii to trip the SPECIAL steamer the ard RAILS SHIP workouts Light are en : planned route ’28; Knapp, “Pete” lace of the Coach high | ty on | Aait and| be Sail local team. Hawaiian duck soup for forward the boys. High. LOdy George praca ont colleee< White and Osden from uated a one| Bramwell feels that if wal crashes the Ifbacks the | in touchdown a es the ocean will Fearn ise‘Wal hha* = aie oa Joe Clapier Francis > A+ sear n Peterson, Dave Doxey and Gilbert Rulon Budge and 97: Russell played for Se junior in 96 but he’ been erected | special side | r1ils have tackle | withstand the power} ul off to lays wi vv i thatuu tomorrow : ata : them to Honolulu to play Kinley junior college there who 10 men among them shape. eS ee ee 9. were ple ship. mountains, where the | of training will be list-J pl Aaron PEP SONGS AT DEPOT 200 students and towns] Over | Decembe 1 at Honolulu will ewabalatels taut, nt e . ey play the McKinl here they will AG Oo j on1 Decembaer en ee They t 397 srid uae of the squad will shoes ball sket workouts ae Nes or Regular featured voyage. by . mpanied Pr ate L Honolulu for be | a booting. the The two Weber : “better raged ing the entire a gunning Bramwell is tartin é { io et tHethisa afternoon ge Wednesday they will embark day. San Francisco next Weodneamd at high noon. Tuesday a light practice will » staged. do vil of an | ee Hawali contest. Moesinger is off stadium ee ay new an the ve this; cisco post is taking who ity of Universeae ey theay ee k at will meet the team at ana !LUT Jy UL and rooters ney . the of and layers CL the I f41ayv favs ee 1 Tracy. Oe oe seschioen co December into. ti 4 communication e alla iil i dlstrict | c agent Al 3 the Sn imbariee. x Parry and Lucile pa Pa party offered a Vir- Ruthrauff, G. Southern the Anderson, foree e native and Ty They Le An Peter Weber; playe : at | dications : the| of dent ( the joined: Stevenson, Merlon | Berkeley by | mer Wil i en 1 n rounding form. Gilbert | be nahh aes A F En Route nostrils, seventeen Goch Btamwell ot Shaw, of | A. A.a Csi soms J Marian , Read, or Williams 1ams, Pre sett, i Georee will ee 2 Ogden oe Weberites Zz i re ee T9354 wince Wis Picke Bramwell the some of | the flareup. On arrival Doxey. ee fe Coach Ic of Tracy _ President Aaron W. Weber college will also make the long trip. 5 The boosters will include the folae sports editor sp iaady a ee ae beth Shaw, lig Captain Alar and Troseth Troseth p APT une. i former Berkeley, of Utah club in San com- : 7 S TAT ~ TS sy rb aoe eae team coach of the Weber team. The were e accompanying them a lin- Stevenson Te 7 se ; partyie college Weber the for Honolulu Sunday leaves which the meet Wildcats Weber's where Bece: McKinley strongLs ; elevsven on BecemKC te ber 22. ? . <7 . a Mh 17 of consist will squad The i layers and two coaches. Delton oe direc . f athletics, and eta. | coach during 27 will be. in charge of ims ee The players named for the jaunt are: Joe Clapier, Jim Russell Owen Wangsgaard, Rulon Budge, Wloyd Taylor, Ray Anderson Elt on Paul Rese, Keith ete ue ‘A oS Gi k rt Moesinger, Wallace Jones,..Wallace Peterson, onal clash pene ey Honoluru. rl e HW : BO : p forward | McKinley on his | A4SC working slieves that improve departm in these fed U Hot for the battle at On arrival at Berkeley |. lafternoon the V e berites yerites warmup e in a e | mediately las wathieh Brise ta * Re Sen 20) Se of Johnson. . Miss Dorothy Irvine Salt Lake was a special guest. Young society girls and women who accompanied the Weber college for the football team to Honolulu team game with the McKinley college d of Honolulu, December 22, include Marion Miss Farney, Lucile Miss Shaw, Miss Read, Miss Elizabeth ng, Eva Browning, Miss Doris Browni Miss Eleanor Crompton, Miss Anna ; AnderWwheelwright, Miss Virginia n } son, Miss May Pickett, Mrs. Solomo heelwright and Mrs. Peter AnderH. A. and Aaron W. Tracy son. Shaw also were in the batty, Ane Red Merwere joined in San Francisco by Squad Accompany PIHIRTY-SIX SIX . ‘Ec a EOD Bae was Dinner avenue. — will footballers college Ogden final their in TFEBER engage society en gi (pees cessiiiejtlainticametemntnt Four Horsemen Are Slated oie Start Contest On Hawaiian Gridiron wall | \ | Alaa make contributio ee ee oie : . Moesinger JinBon 498° es |