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Show THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER Ue one SEEN STON Oe Weber Team Sunday; Departs Tracy On Will Accompany Squad arr YQRDrIVUtrT CT ts rend ' J ‘HIRT Y -SIX people will ecom..@ . prise the Weber college party, which leaves Sunday for Honolulu, here Weber's Ww ildcats meet the strong McKinley aleven on December 22. The squad will consist of 17 players and two coaches. Delton Bramwell, director of athletics, and M. L. Stevenson, coach during 1927, will be in hares of the team. —- “ERS paver rs named for the jaunt bol are: Joe Clay pier, Jim Biles ell, Owen Wanesga ard, Rulon Budge, Wloyd Taylor, Ray Anderson. Elton Knapp, Paul. Rose, Keith 1241. 7lipe Gi ‘E .Moesinger, * es, Waltaes Peterson, arn, David Doxey, Alaunders, ‘rnold Troseth and Jack Doxey. rresident Aaron W Tracy of ve ‘college will also make the Pe 7% iS os 5 JQ ok md a omit n ines gies A ns Si eS The boosters will include the folne Al Warden, sports editor The Ogden &Ste andard-Examiner;: Mrs, ymon Wheelwright, Eliza- beth 7 Shay, Doris Erowning, . Browning, Eva| Hlnora Cromptor t Read, Av A, May | ae 0} Will , president of Oe student derson, body Mrs. at Weber; Peter Peter Anderson, AnVir- And aes a0), Lucile Parry and —? bee! zinia David | HWred. ight Gs Rut hrauff, district SSé] agent of the and accompany S¢ who is taking post graduate work at the University of| Chi eae will meet the team at er kele} Mon day. A two-hour drill | is scheduled Monday afternoon, number of new plays will be ffered the squad before they sail] from San Francisco next Wednes- | Regular featu Fea 4 daily the on | practice workouts boat du al will| will b ie sea oO day at high noon. On Tuesday a light ship. et | shoes € bo ard On arrival at Honolulu ] December 18 the tea my mediately jour- ney to final period mountains, where the of will be list- training December 21, oon ged ge 3ramwell will send rough a stiff work-| a final drill Satur- c O he out Weber will re- |] where a final in preparation sm, Ne ene ped Nee 0g On the and gday Me of beditere leds i. 7. tne . ae ae ot COast. the team sunday at and 2-p. m. the for 6, 1928. |