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Show Winkler AndHadley H. ox Thige- Outstanding Stars In Weber annuak will people rules A group and dribbling, other items that short passing make college Hugh strugele. short side shot | of play by Had- I three goals, all ‘the. program | Anderson, Totals CDi pn Leas > the . Ses . me 1 0-4 ¢ San es zg rogram “Electric “Ciune” Weir: Umpire, Pe as | Referee, thep pyramid skit, a “Plastique,” and ao oneeees: c¢ .. OetOn. fe | Fredrickson, Goad s Moesinger.. ii final cast for the sophomore’s lay: spas been chosen. The cast is en CE AND program : featieg for Mary Jane” PweMe rrififield eld, . Wallace Jones; sti Merri Dasper Woods :| OM sland Manning Gusta ce eeter ie. ; Mieth ) Pauline, Peneoad @ Jelsie ; Rulon Keiey t : a Varney Be (the lead), ler; |. Carlita Romagna Schultz, ‘Dorothy Isrealson; Gladys, Eee Davis. 7 : : | — = eres : | : << ae 7 under - Large Kies i Davis, fF Manni into the thr title : a Lucile 3 Sues e ae MUSIC oy enee with twe i Clark of the: Weber gsymna ae the second, a charming emotiona Audrey of Dancin interpretation Clark of Harold the will be by groups Be of ‘git add to the scenes in some it terpretive dances. The program will eas wit 2 May Pole drill. Other numbe mmon ss | Taylor, is divided acts -d_ scene " yea g Van |a health masque. Pandora (H manity) will be played by. Ern Rich, Mercury (Spirit of Exercis by Fern Davis, Hope PY 44 White, Ignorance by Alice ‘Ta ner, Wisdom by Kathleen O’Co nor, Enlightenment. by Thelin Jones and the role of Humanity” oD £ Gordon They are Danna different | Myers, net performance. Th are David Lidd« Teabell Wadley, Helen Van ue and Virginia Drake. One of the nine numbers f difficult | Marble, f Harlin, f | Hadley, f |; Agren ec Widdson, ¢ Hooper, z... athletes trampoline Stewart, fly skit. ley turned the tide for the fresh- | men. This young lady was the in- : dividual star of the matinee. She: Seno two iren, Joe Rolling, John Melli Clayton Simmons and Parry Ni son. In contrast with these perfor ances by the male athletes, a gro of girls will perform in a butte and scholastic games interesting, J made their appearance in the An over-handed in the final seconds of versatile in a and a tumbling to participate demonstra ated | in a entertain listed. Pivoting, participating them. clearly that young women are cap- | able at playing basket ball with men’s eymnasi be night Freshmen girls of. Weber college. ’ turned back the sophomore girls ina hectic cage struggle at the We| ber gymnasium Friday, 8 to 7. The game afforded some unusual and cirets shown and tomorrow ight, N numbers are ‘Scheduled, with. College Flareup L entertainment mms’ of Grogfam for l week 4 mtee Reed Pet by Miss Schoo} tributed two beautiful * violin Hak vigl in solos, sein accompanied on the piano by Prof] pestiay: Hinchcliff. S | are a parade, number another ee entitle entitl gs 3 |