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Show COLLEGE PLAY ROLES ASSINED |i a te ‘Mouse’ ‘still | . Qn Boards After -| | _ Twenty ees = Be | Mouse,” ‘Pe-| has Kilien’s play, which America — throughout been; for | Lion Sas. the “phe sy pre-| be will ‘thexpast-score years, satitth by the — Veber college dra-| matic club on “Friday and Satur-/ 14 and 15, | January day. evening: “by Harvey L. Tay-| j art de-j partment of the college, **The Lion and the Mouse” was} e dramatic head | lor, 20 years ago in} in Ogden | December, being |It-made a record run played to popular — enough | professional bY retained | ies, not being released One hundred ten ama-_ _| teur players until last year. | the tried college out for the leading [- ale, feminine HY = < $5 ns 17 the cast, giving an ex| parts in the . eellent choice. Beth Winkler will ‘take es = ee a Rossmore, Shirley _ characterizing the play will Budge Rulon 'and Be role of John Burkett Ryder. Z op 8e- ee 5 ee taht ALLO eee 4 & iat more = hi NCW | mat charges: = . ff = a e a * 4 2 that wal free him oe oes = nal UL has. ‘for her father she makes. every possible sacrifice to gain in|from _ she great love she | rmer Ss < FF = et students ge a | ES Sor rection compan-' for ms | ho avlo) ae : = 3 es “es ~ "| | on Broadway, when first staged. | and since then the rights had been; = 7€ — for its time = ee ee nights. | for four successive run | . : = = icult for Shirley she with: os. in Jove . Y as pee = CarOthers in the play are: men Critchlow, Elsworth Weaver, - Kathleen O'Connor, . Dorothy IsEl-yaelson, “Wintield — Hancock, -eanor Stark,. Casper Woods, Henry Carma Craven, Watson, Jack ‘Francis, Nolan Taylor. John Grif| fin, Vida Wright, Mildred | Rhees geet ‘ e cast p ayed i and Ch jacies, Many of Ogden high sehagl last. see : or 1 : n the i production Ec : 1: 1 j f-_. Seo eS ga == x = +. | ive SS ALLO ,* 8 : == nu through ‘the lines to @lga strain, ——_ = = a “Talented : OF ticed every e Ss “or = a ‘aram: nh relieve Cast ee Se = 1. — evening § Ce the holidays. Several weeks — before the holidays =: 13, {Were also spent in. rehearsal mee] 50. that the play. might be | a tr ee "See This Famous WEBER Old Play COLLEGE ae see wie LC __ ee ee “THAT ; G OOD OLD PLAY > Presented By | Weber College Student Agen. ‘for the {“LITTLE. THEATI r pe : | os. se. ‘Teylo irection Hite "D y Special Scener §s-*8 Acts n 50e‘(J| | || Curtain 8:30Good Numbers Between Admissio | 4 3 Direction Harvey Le Taylor | and Friday Nights—Jan. 20, 21, = “Thursday Welbs x College Auditoriun oo - Cartain, 2. |