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Show p needa Fi Aare as ae eae ie ee 5 s ae eke cose BB. j gre a > o eae oO ae foe oe Fe 2Bee Sore > 8 (RESRSSES SRERS Gea. g | | 52 Pevessse ae. wa Hay fet atl ato se aS mat ‘ moet sg gy: —Seh® £26 Boas Crear Oy f mah aOo? OD S&sps WPAT e (os) abe BR ot ay eo Be atu sao SoS hee a 5 oO Ash sell sec 9k. | Banquet Given | On |was | the cs | for are Tuesday Mavi given Hotel Tracy, of in the Bigelow, Weber in honor by the LS FORT +2 ee Soe Bee SES& SC fee President jae d : Al e n roomo er S ma and ‘the| W. two solos opened by with a Day | Close boys, 3 ; eee of Control, \Wir Tracy Miss the are ) oo by ah ae — pre- singing | Rose, quarterback; Eva Browning, \librarian; Lucille Parry, secretary to the president; Professor Reid ‘and Professor Monson. After the banquet the team and coach were photo- | _ Music was furnished photographer. Weber’s by M Kathrynn Fisher and Lil'- Elections for the Year | & 1 is ; ae a Wallace Jones . : : 1 eee tS pi i} mat | r Lester | 3 ; oc coe r’s team offici-" Ae les Col day “i hel tin: 7 | pe, He nes they OF ee college and | FOR e . Jesse with. ith Fo: ae een Wit ‘ounder S. The Symnasium was open to the . ic during the - , poe : dt during the | <1 neon. £ne townspeople — the Weber were offored Gym. ;Winkler’s§ team Thora Johnson’s in close Jerseys Johnson, C Brown Chugg ‘Taylor | ae Skinner | Zundel a game to the ia 58 of Lillywhite Wilma day’s score. FOR CO ear ? ee rte oop nd Oe ee ces ee Pee ee we oe oe eee Meier ashy we ee re Se ae: a, 8 Se mel ATHLETIC ory oat aed a, gaia na Roe pe es eos oR ee Re eH ces a - ee area te Pape cst ten tor te ew erie coer Hh AE eek Op Yi FOR ae ae 0 See: i Sa Oey! i fo oh ee Se oe ee ee MANAGER: Friiie fecagey DEBATING eect oe eminem: de Fafa a Be yas asa MAS MANAGER: John | Griffin Ernest Fe Emmett Casper Wood events. by by eNO Fie gchar AE, Oe yi ee en ee ee dp Pid AA a . Rubenstein Charles volley-ball.| in a basketball game to 16 se ee ee Fe are we ee si ee ee em ee oppose a very | |@ hand ball contest. Fol‘lowing this, Weber’s quinte t | defeated the fast Sawyer {team Ny oe ae he PUBLIC SERVICE BUREAU : Dorothy Israelson Beth! Professors J arvis, Stevenson , Hales, and Monson contrib- | uted ee ee ee at FOR VICE-PRESIDENT OF During the afternoon sev- at eae ee Mathias Bill Stratford Were at liberty to come and participate in the various ac- eral attractions ae Grate Nelson me we eee ee en aA ih Sat ae oes satan a Se S . FOR DRAMATIC MANAGER: Rul on Jack FOR Budge Craven MANAGER _. os Tie OF Charles Burton Rowland Hansen Reheat ae ON air sae a 0s. ei ed: Sl lleas gy ap ty Neg Re ie Tey eee Se ors Ae al ene fie ae OR ea PUBLICATIONS I ag a es : 9 | . FOR PRESIDENT OF PU SERVICE BUREAU: BLIC tivities offered there. |. Se SECRETARY: George Blanch Melvin . | ee Winkler al celebrated jt: eonnection Te _{Day. ee ee SIs VICE PRESIDENT: Mabel Reynolds Beth Sunday is Janu- cooperated Young Re TSO SUIS |. As the Weber Gym’s birt = | _|the y ee FOR id a DA] eons Taian 1927-28 | FOR PRESIDENT: — 7 - - Birthday - ‘elebrated Score of {Oscar Carr, of the team: Keith | Wangsgard, center on the team; Joe! Clapier, halfback; Ed. Ward, guard;| Elmer Randall, halfback: Frank Rabe, | * iid) Associated Students of Web er College | Se >Fa il ES sae (ary ; of Weber college. Toasts were given| ]j by President Tracy; Wallace Jones, h: nresident of the Board of Control.! Beth Winkler, vice-president of the Board of Control; Rulon Budge, president of the sophomore class: Fred Green Taylor, president of the Fresh} man class; Dr. Walker, Professor |Stark and Thomas: Captain Fred{ by ae . 7S 2 a ee Emma Woodland, graphed Sao Sos oe foe0 Se Paes eee So egEFER sided during the dinner. He then in- J troduced Professor .John I. Blaylock, who acted as toast-master. The program co Ses SE | a Won wy McKay. Aaron oi fe Regen Smith Jacobs, athletic manager; | Jesse Lillywhite and Cap Woods, yell leaders; and the school physi- “cian. Dr. William aS eee a Boos ct on oeoe a BU fee ao ts {ior College Football Championship, eee |The guests, other than the football the volley-ball game} team and Coach Stevenson, included! F riday, January. -3. Board fie ae gheggees Feeessnc tgS |i |os Oil CBaase° FEORAeSse aS WSF and Coach Stevenson and also to commorate the fifth Inter-Mountain Jun- | the faculty, the OR g = BO Gee SO0RFt ‘ae Qs oH HD pes hae a en | football Pig mr Oo, ey The banquet was of & FS Sesas Wabeme”o Neale s Mm President Jame college, Board of Trustees. given Spanish Bs Boe Football f ° eae Geo =| 88 eee ®289 ict Roe ce ° vicar SF (@2BR ES Ee ee Official Ballot | Vice a ow Sane x Pot FeRgergs HoeSaSce weelesss eaetegbee seo sce ee Bey. eG: “2h & g Uhdieet! ce stiasd Bae i aE ; # |