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Show lean, ernie entnsimimtorentan ce sparaenss ieee re sient wince piney i> sears ae ce tee power of a financial king in aid-{ ing her father, who had been: dis-; missed from the judicial bench, to} regain his position, s The curtain rises at 8:30 orc wWCk. a4 Music will be provided. ae — a ilast rehearsal for the en re en NN, Fn per er Weber college players will present “The-bhicn end the Mouse” tonight in the eoilege auditorium, beginning at 8:30 ° o’elock. The art Ogden vdlaygoers will have an-{j other opportunity of seeing -tie Weber college players present the “Lion and the Mouse” tonight and | tomorrow night in the college au' ditorium. The players presented it last SABO ay and Friday night before sarge audiences and are repeati = it this week at the request of mary who were unable tq see it at tdrat time € It Asan absorbing dram young woman who balaz beauty and energy agaii en STAGED TONIGHT “ion and Mouse’ by Klein to Be Presented in Auditorium production | oe PLAY WILL BE was held Wednesday night under | the direction of Harvey L. Tay-' ‘lor, head of the dramatic art de-'! partment of the college. ; “The Lion the Mouse” Peter Klein. It }a-conflict between a | financial wizard. written }fonced by and from nancial The the, french genius business | and a! j judge by because been‘ influential in which had prevec greedy judge was) shows the he is | fi-| has enfercing Jaws | detrimental to | . interests. How | the judge is reinstated -on the bench through tke, efforts of his pretty and vivacious little daughter is the interesting part of. the! play. 20 The show years ago was in seen in | | Ogden; December. It! thas to its credit one cof the long- $ est runs on Broadway of any play | ; H produced there. } } This will be the third play to! be presented by the college in i behalf of the Little Theatre move- ji ment. The same play will be givi en tomorrow night alsa. i } O00 ur friends have asked of the & z ‘ i eas. ST Ene ta cee cele Sao WEBE R P] 1; AY a2 onER “220 Wi b N -TONIGH Last Opportunity for Osden-theatregoers to see Pet er Eein’s “The Lion and the MM -OuSe,” as Presented by the Weber college players > will be tonight, A £00d. sized crowd aitended the third presentation of the drama in the college auditorium Wednesday night, Thee play ~Was repeated this week-on special request, of Ogd en citizens. Proceeds from the performances are beifke used toward the purchasin is Of Campus property. It 1S one of the plays being Siven undér the auspices of the nttte fax tre movement Frank Rasmussen Will direg: the hext four plays to be cive . The play tonight starts « Be 30 o’clock, BM Ps |