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Show “The play aa ersesa Z 1 Al \, love of a. young cirl for her i, y | father. “The father, judge of Site “The Seon id n - which ‘tain ~ “Huge: Success | the Supreme. court, renders a— 2 nate: the Mouse”, the ‘play chosen for interferes la SeeDUS Jsie SSS Tae. - Beckett Ruder. The girl,aa more, this year’s _production, - will | be presented Thursday, January _ 20 in the College. cada: | HP The play is under the direc- "Ryder Because the great love she roy for her father she makes. every has achieved great success possible sacrifice to gain inin his direction of former formation that will free him productions. — | the charges made {from | ‘This ay =jis an gears a ‘against him. To make it ew loved drama, Seed | - more difficult for Shirley she tion of Harvey L. Taylor who has fallen in love with the = gon of Ryder, whom she * must deny loving until her father’s name is clear. _ ee Geis played inthee The situations throughout stock Ae raveling WY the play .are dramatic and eompan: om tho were greeted tense, with humor sparkling in’ =eheir presentation Dy a through the lines to. relieve large and appreciative audi- the strain. | ence of theatre-geers and > - Talented Cast — drama Jovers. The cast under the direc_“The Lion and -the Mouse” ‘ “tion of Mr. Taylor has prachas never been. released for ticed every day and evening amateur production until this | ‘since the holidays. Several year, and hence ‘Weber Colweeks before the holidays” lege is among. the first ama;were also spent in rehearsal ‘teur players” to -produce_ this: A ¢ stage 2 . rant ~ #2 ee «= ae » =e na St & —— a : Ss! LS = ere = > = 2 § = : +e : _ : 5 oN Ss ae ; a! = sae tame > <— =a : (Be. that . Ane. play might be a |