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Show / hs ns ~ 4 J Me at : a ah ae : she q ‘ LN y rey y BAAD ; my? Sve OLYog eae RY ZEEE) 2. AO Ce" ) xl Ye 4 PTR, RATE a f any Scene et < Beh Sp’ ; A : | f ee i eae mee ly : , } f 4 co delex whe He ws 3 y a? i) At an FY OR Srey sents Heaviest Pre-: §& $ . S pO! v4 : Weber Histor , : 25 ee$ > $ \ , rc hy i ~~ wid oak SELESELELE SEEELESEELESEBLESEELES SELES EELELEY :: om | ze ‘) ee \Talented . Pa Cast Play| eee LyDELIGHT : : ‘Return a Pp EOPI LE mf Eneagement : Inevitable; Packed : “The % = if ; Ps as an % Eion and the Mouse” enormous success. So 2 8 :: 4, eS = ~— : SS we xy 2g Q) a =. $ : : ‘ e we : penthusia istic was the audience | during. ihe first..two- nights lof the performance, that a- : & S jreturn engagement was call- | ied for. This, like the open- | sevesseesosssTTTSSRERTTSTESTTTTETTTTTTTTTTTTETETETTTTTTTES appreciative group sondern’? , ta of ont an : wader: the dixec- their efforts — Lion Peete ect and | zythe Mouse” is a play intendged for mature-and profession- gal players, the Weber College — cast was successful in inter- ; preting roles that even pro- | fessional actors have difficult. to portray. _- The story has (the life of John found | to do wih) Burkett Ryd- | er, the Lion, played by Rulon Budge. The Lion makes money and power his god; he bows to their every whim. So deeply is he a slave to wealth| that the happiness and even f the life of a man are insicni- ficant more, Beth to him. Shirley Ross- | the Mouse, played Winkler, thfouph feminine art and charm }es the Lion to restore by her | caus-._ her father to his position of hon- . or. With this mission accom-< | plished she is free to marry | a § 5 ‘S a 2 2Qoa a HO: tee OD Ss | §¢ Read the advertisements in-your Standard-Examiner and patronize the progressive merchants and keep Ogden growing. “The oe @Pnden, Atah Although a 1670 4 = ESTABLISHED ee jand the co-operation of the Student- body, carved a niche gin the realms of the drama ythat will stand for Vears. r stands for the upbuilding Build your new buildings and make Weber one of the State’s out- a have, Recs aye sot the: ee Bot a py | Notts C22. he ing nights, was-well attended : |