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Show Talented (sa Pre /sents Heaviest Play * of Web ber History. p BLIGHT : | ‘PEOPLE. eturn ‘Engag ement evit able; Packed — a Houses = Lion and the Mouse”’ jormous success. So. ic was the audience ring the first two nights — lof the performance, that a 'yeturn engagement was called for. ‘This, like the openjing nights, was well attended | ran appreciative group cast ae the direc- of ‘throws har efforts d the co-operation of the ent-body, carved a niche will stand for years. “The Lion a ae eee a ee 2 “ond as as ate ‘Vida ) Roberts, -Friffin as Senator Rob rts, Kathleen O’Connor as Deetle, Elisworth WeavReverend Deetle, ChariEmmett as the Butler, Carma Critchlow as ‘Eudoxia, nfield Hancock as Judge tt, and Mildred Reese and lenry Watson as the maid nd the expressman respec- ere also. worthy of. or the. “manner in which they appeared, The sets color used effects in the and the second and third acts enhanced the beauty and charm of the play. They lent an atmosphere of luxury, wealth and power, which greatly harmonized with the acting of the players. The money obtained from these performances will be turned over to the Weber College Little Theatre Fund, which is to be used in making Weber College a center of dramatic and culture. The next interpertation dramatic offer- ing of the Little Theatre ser- ies is “Under Cover’, to be given February 38 and 5. The play is under the direction of Frank Rassmussen, formerly ' of the Moroni Olsen Players, and an actor of no little repute. , |