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Show \ther |) rgia oday mask colder { on Atlanta uwding to foreather bureau | lerable drop ed, but the ’ the freezforecast. — vith clear open road “slightly <_ _atiall . oo gta “not Pr est ——,rrlcmL6Ss e Hav - a1 \ Cuba Today ani vary 1. The Ni dary. 15.—{ ae passenger ited States and Jurated Monday i-motored planes| Airways, Ine., st eRe = roe #iaumm | See se : SSS ses Son Bees . 7 ce a ee se to Havana. ue Jal, W ae riously | a . 3 orrie al SEE Sea o : . ee oe a asc! The : : se 3 Se . : Seer 86 with er: ois aplaner : his resignat; See 7 BE Bie ae unave News lea the pres: ae Mae 7 Sete : So SEE | Fe: RESETS in vas A placed oe Official was eae Besa ; receiver Hate eee Se ‘vy 15.—The city "ho = ea ae ment | (NOTE ae aN Presidy : 2: — si Bai ee | If Dia Bartolome = dent. : led Viq. the General eco Jos which the ry Stimsc M L. The against A j A chief, see factorily, Saturday * arretal uae Vask him to; eo | e | | Br aes ee es ee command ee Heré he is with Wer crown of pearls—Miss Beth Win-:. — kler, chosen gden, Utah. queen of the Acorn ‘bal at l, Weber academy The affair is an: annual: liant of the school’s social: season. | oe | bombed | , | Chipote, ti which is 20 the marines Fuorthermor Cuctinied |