OCR Text |
Show Acknowledgements Weber State Printing Department Darrell Williams Fine Arts Center Directors and Personnel Dan Martino Lou Johnson Gibby Photography - Alan Gibby Collette Wells Herb Messner Tom Kiernan 1, Kristen Hurst 2. Annette Torman Pageant presented by the W.S.C. Union Miss Weber State Pageant Committee Socen DMS eg hs ew iditG ation Gee Mal wk wile wlelig: Wace colt ane yt, yc lew, hp g Nea et Rtn ian gilt ..... aan Cathy Wright, Laura Beech Entries ................ Glenna Lewis, Mary Jane Hoffman, Kris Garmire GHAS no's she Lin's ‘aie anitla'ayd bats olals wos awa peek SSCHOL Lain eRe. Gary Crittenden, Ken Reeve, Dave Steed Production ~.i44.. .. oT gt weeeeeeeeess LouOna Harline, Kimo Woods PO SCLC ee oo sid cia ate ae 'e's sha pv ono Gl Siigent ACHIVILIES w Ante Detasen > Kathy Marion bse h. daG's Uh un eginie. Sates peeay Ce Mivets Gift Acknowledgements 3. Sandra Jean Turner 4, Marla Ann Pullan 5. Susan Handy CONTESTANTS Weber State College Bookstore Morgan Jewelers Gift Certificate Gift Certificate Robert Steur College of Beauty Gift Certificate Miller’s Ski and Cycle Haus Savon Favero Shoes Pi Kappa Alpha Utah Noodle Parlor Gift Certificate Gift Certificate Gift Certificate Check Dinner for Two Chuck Moore Jewelry Beta Theta Pi Gift Certificate Check Lions Den Dinner for Two Bank of Utah Citizens Bank Walker Bank Savings Account Savings Account Savings Account HiFi Shop Joy Shop Gift Certificate 9 Gift Certificates Bennett’s Jewelry Wolfe’s Big Western Pine Motel 6. Zona R. Merrihew 7. Janet Larsen 8. Jeanie Beers Weber State College 10. Susan Nelson 11. Michelle Ann Winslow Full Tuition Scholarship La Dianaeda Check Delta Phi Kappa Chi Epsilon Phi Check Check ZCMI Bon Marche Gift Certificate Gift Certificate Auerbach’s Gift Certificate Buehler-Dunn-Branz Gift Certificate Adrian & Emile Gift Certificate Mutation Mink Breeders of Utah Graig’s Clothes Tree Zale’s Jewelers Zeta Chi Omega Otyokwa Mink Boa Gift Certificate Gift Check Check Makoff’s 9. Cindy Barton Silver Tray Gift Weekend for two- West Yellowstone Gift |