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Show — ~ — a S aha SS GREEK WEEK co-chairmen Mary Jane Hoff man and Don Scott glance over several awards to be given during the first such annual event at Weber State College. NEW TRADITION “WSC Sororities, Fraternities Will State First Greek Week First annual Greek Week will per person and may be bought ing lof, 8 p.m.; a date raffle, a be observed at Weber State Col- at the Competition and the Doll lecture Wednesday noon on rellege next week aimed at dem- House, downtown or from any evancy of fraternities and sor- | fraternity or sorority member. ,|onstrating the values of the sysOther highlights of the observ- orities by Ogden City Council_jtem and providing a variety of ance include a street dance in man Alex Hurtado and Deans = activities of interest to all per- the WSC Fine Arts Center park- Marvin Peterson and Jan Tyler and a noon talent show. START GAMES April 7 at 2 p.m. an Olympic 7 type runner will start a games | planne’ : day on the grass near .the en-. Cand comumunity that the Greek trance of the campus, said Miss | system ' of fraternities and. sorrelevant a have does WASHTINGTON TERRACE— Hoffman. iorities place in college life,” said Don Army Pvt. Joe D. Mortinez, 20, In addition to the events Scott, @o-chairman of the week’s son of Mrs. Alex B. Lucero, 4500 which are open to the entire stu- F dent body, the WSC Greek orcompleted eight ganizations will also participate One #f the big attractions for S. 250 E., colles,f and high school-age weeks of basic training at Ft. in community service days. youth: comes April 8, at 8 p.m. Ord, Calif. Fraternities participating in in the Fine Arts auditorium, Training under the Volar Greek Week are Beta Theta mtn the performance by Mac (volunteer army) concept which Pi, Delta Phi Kappa,-Pi Kapp Davis, nationally Known sing- ‘allows decentralized instruction Alpha, Sigma~Nu, Tau Kappée er and song writer. at the unit level, Pvt. Martinez Epsiion, Chi Epsilon Phi an HOT NUMBER trained with Company B, 2nd Sigma Alpha Epsilon. | ‘Mac Davis is the hot number Battalion, 3rd Brigade. Sororities are Kyathinia, La He gs a 1971 graduate of Dianaeda, Otyokwa, Tau Thet j,at the moment and we feel for-(Colo.) High School. | tunate in booking him for the Nu, Zeta Chi Omega. s Weber State appearance,’’ said co-chaise ¢|man of Greek Week. Tickets ¢ gst $1.50 a teas Soldier Completes 8-Week Training CEES SAS a a Shaw their identification cards. |