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Show Welcome to Weber State College. As a Weber State student, you can have four years of satisfying and exciting experiences. The college offers opportuni~ ties to participate in activities that will help prepare you academically, professionally, spiritually and soclally. RUSHING RULES Eligibility These activities will also bring about many different kinds of experiences, some of which will be in leadership, training, and social development. 1. Any graduating high school senior who meets all the College entrance requirements, and has achieved a 2.0 (or better) scholastic average in basic high school subjects is eligible for formal rush. You must be carrying at least 12 hours of college credits. You are expected to choose those areas which interest you most and to which you feel you can make the greatest contribution and from which you may experience the greatest personal growth. 2. Former students or transfer students who have met the standard 2.0 average, have properly registered and are carrying at least 12 hours of college credit are also eligible to rush. Registration We are glad you have decided to further your education at Weber State College. An official registration blank and instructions may be obtained in the office of the Dean of Women and Dean of Men. | Pledging What Do Fraternities and Sororities Offer? 1. Entering Freshmen who do not participate in Rush Week will not be eligible to bid and pledge until they have completed one quarter at the college and have met all eligibility standards. You will find a group of friends that are sincerely interested and concerned about you. Friends are perhaps the greatest asset gained from belonging to a fraternity or sorority. When you need a helping hand, it will be there. When good things happen to you, there will be someone to share them with. The Greek committed deavors. community is essentially idealistic and to high principles and worthwhile en- | Membership will help you get started in campus life. These activities will aid you in meeting members of other fraternities and sororities. 2. In order paid. to pledge, all registration fees must be 3. If a pledge does not attain a 2.0 GPA at the end of the pledge quarter she or he wiil be notified by the Dean’s office of her or his ineligibility and must be inactive in sorority or fraternity activities for the quarter. Violations Sharing your interests and ideals strengthens your character and will cause you to grow not only in personality, but also socially, intellectually, and spiritually. Slander—There shall be no slander of another organization or any of its members, and no circulation of such rumors, whether unfounded or true. The circulation of such rumors or slander shall be carefully looked into and action will be taken. Ate 44. |