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Show Master ANd Mistress of Ceremonies JEANNE NOWAK PROGRAM Master and Mistress of Ceremonies Tim Carver, Jeanie Hall 1. Kristen Hurst 2. Annette Torman eee hee al aaa, .... Rising Sons HALL (MRS. ALAN) reigned as Miss Weber State in 1968 and served as first attendant to Miss Utah as well as first attendant to the Camellia Bowl Queen. Graduating from WSC in 1969, Jeanne was voted Outstanding Woman of the Year, was listed in Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities, held lead and supporting roles in eight WSC musical productions, served as president of the A Cappella | Choir, and was chairman of the Community Service Bureau. After serving one year in Brazil in the Peace Corps with her husband Alan, she returned to work on her Master’s Degree in Psychology at BYU which she will receive in May. Presentation of Theme .............. .... Mary Jane Hoffman TIM CARVER is presently a sophomore at Weber State, majoring in Theatre Arts. As a 1971 graduate of Weber High School, Tim was listed in Who’s Who— Outstanding American Students, and was winner, many times over, in local and state speech and drama Introduction of Contestants contests. Performing in over 150 local programs, Mr. Carver is most recently remembered as “Snoopy” in the WSC Broadway musical review. Entertaining in Ogden and Salt Lake night clubs, Tim has also starred in past WSC Theatre productions, the WSC Songfest, and the 1972 March of Dimes Telerama. Introduction of Judges Swim Suit Competition 3. Sandra Jean Turner 4. Marla Ann Pullan 5. Susan Handy Special CONTESTANTS Talent Number ........................ Pam Nelsen Mary Jane Hoffman Kris Garmire Talent Competition Formal Competition Judges MAUREEN P. SMITH (MRS. STEPHEN A.), a former Miss Utah, is returning as a Miss Weber State Pageant judge for the second year. She has studied both at BYU and the University of Utah in music, speech, and drama. She is well known as an excellent teacher of self-improvement courses in beauty and charm and is currently a hair dresser and makeup specialist. -LaRUE BREWSTER (MRS. B. J.) has been, for many years, associated with _ the Miss Utah State Fair Queen Pageant as its coordinator. Mrs. Brewster is a very talented artist, and has been affiliated with dancing for twenty years. She is returning to our pageant for the second year. ANN Palen Ul resen anon os Pe oe ak os ea Pam Nelsen PARKINSON (MRS. CLARK), judging the Miss Weber State Pageant for the first time, has proven her expertise in music, speech, drama, and modeling. Mrs. Parkinson attended Weber State College, the University of Mexico, and the University of Utah where she received her Master’s degree in Speech Pathology. Reigning as Miss Wool Utah and Western States College 6. Zona R. Merrihew 7. Janet Larsen 8. Jeanie Beers Presentation of Finalists Interview of Finalists Presentation of Miss Weber State, 1971 ............ Pam Nelsen Crowning of Miss Weber State, 1972 9. Cindy Barton 10. Susan Nelson 11. Michelle Ann Winslow Queen, she is now a free lance model as well as a housewife and mother. MR. RAY FADEL, a Miss Weber State College Pageant judge of many years, is well qualified in the fields of speech, English, and drama. Traveling extensively throughout Utah, Nevada, and Idaho, Mr. Fadel has with his wife, judged and emceed numerous pageants. He has been affiliated with the Miss Utah Pageant for the past 25 years and emceed the pageant in which the winning contestant later became his wife. He is now currently district manager for Farmers Insurance Group. MR. SHERMAN BENNETT, a Miss WSC judge for the first time, is a graduate from Utah State University majoring in Physical Education and minoring in Music. He has taught for nine years in the public schools and is currently a coach at Layton High School. Mr. Bennett has held lead roles:in numerous community and university musical productions and has judged pageants throughout northern Utah and Idaho. He will soon receive his Master’s Degree in Education. |