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Show RULES AND 1. group Each REGULATIONS must It is to be handed December 11, 1972 after participation. hand in GOVERNING SONGFEST 1973 a verification of participation. office by in to the Dean of Women's refundable along with a $10 deposit, 2. Each group will sing two songs: (a) a standard musical number worthy of some effort, not necessarily a so-called popular song and not a humorous song; (b) an original song, predominately stressing originality with no derogatory Organizations, or reflections individuals on at other Weber social State clubs, | College. 3. These songs are to be sung in an entertaining manner with showmanship and skill using pantomime if necessary. 4. The dress worn at the presentation must be a part of the group's present wardrobe, not purchased especially for this event. Additional costuming for one song is permitted at a maximum cost of $1 for each individual, this includes all materials borrowed, scrounged about for, etc. Five dollars is allowed to groups other than sororities and fraternities. 5. Eight minutes will be allowed each participating group to perform (actual performing time not including applause). Timing beginning when each song begins to the time each It is There will be a penalty for overtime. song closes. expected that each group will make no unnecessary delay in staging. 6, Each group must be led by a student director during the actual performance. However, each group is free to receive whatever help it needs from any non-professional individual prior to the performance in the Songfest competition. | |