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Show 7. No more than two accompanists will be allowed for each song. No more than two instruments may be used to accompany. If there is not an accompanist in the group, they may be selected from outside the group. Notification of this must be made to the Dean of Women as soon as selected. I2. Each participating group will be assigned a place to sit in the auditorium in order of their participation ready to)perform, Al groups will return to their assigned seats following their performance, making certain nothing will be done to detract from the quality Of the occasion. (i.e., club songs and cheers, noise, etc.) 8. All singers 12 hours of WSC and leaders credit must Winter be Quarter lative grade point of at least 2.00. must be active members during the their organization. No Quarter will be eligible the residence halls must governing eligibility. carrying with at least an accumu- All participants Winter Quarter in pledges or rushees of Winter to participate. Members of also abide by the rules 9. A list of all active members Winter Quarter and a list of those who are going to participate must be handed in to the office of the Dean of Women by Thursday, January ll, for clearance of hours registered for and the grade point average and eligibility. Participation in only one group will be permitted. 10. All song titles, the name of composers, the names of accompanists, names of the directors, and the president's names of each group must be handed in to the Dean of Women's office by January 5, in order to have the program complete. Il. One criteria of the judging procedure will be the percentage of the membership of group participating. A small group of fifteen members, for example, that has all fifteen members in the performance will rate higher than a group of sixty which may have twenty-five participating. All remaining are to be groups 13. Each group will appear on the Dean 12:00 there must seats will reserved. of p.m. at the be be seated given will draw for the program. Women's office Each group drawing. must to by 6:45, Any the public. no seats the order in which they Drawing will be held in on December have a 11, at representative 4. Practice will begin no sooner taan’ January 3) The songs are to be selected with the words of the original song written, the directors, and accompanists before January 5: 15. The judges will be chosen as far away as possible, from those having no connection with the groups partiCipating, the college administration, staff, or faculty. They will be selected on the basis of their knowledge of music and understanding of such an activity as the Songfest. lo. The criteria and points for actual judging will be made separately and given each judge prior to the performance. The participating groups will be informed ten days in advance of the competition of the judging criteria and points of the plan. 17. Six copies of music used for songfest must be handed in to the Dean of Women's office by January 19, (this includes six copies of each of the songs.) State on copies if words or music are original. |