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Show MRS. KENNETH C. EDWARDS AUGUST BRIDE Terri Nilsson Weds In Temple Setting NORTH OGDEN — Dr. and trimmed Mrs. Richard E. Nilsson of 1012 que. in dainty lace appli- Bridal attendants were E. 3100 N., announce the mar- Mrs. riage of their daughter Terri to Dave Hill as matron of honor, Miss Julie Kapp maid of honor, Kenneth C. Edwards. The bridegroom is a son of and the Misses Pat Edwards, .Mrs. Elaine Edwards of 1524 Julie Edwards, Janet Edwards ‘Mountain Road and Cleon Ed- and Sharon Nilsson, _ bridesmaids, and Mrs. Edward King, wards of Salt Lake City. ’ The ceremony was performed attending matron. ‘Thursday in the Ogden LDS PLAID GOWNS Temple by Elder John L. ZunThey wore matching dresses del. of green and _ white plaid, Parents of the bridegroom styled with an empire bodice hosted a luncheon at Maddox and puffed sleeves, which were for members of the wedding by matching _ hair| party, and a reception was held accented in the. evening at the Golf and Country Club. Ogden bows. Kelly Edwards of Pocatello, Idaho, performed duties of best man, with Brett Nilsson, Bruce Dickamore, Dolph Woods and Randy Tucker serving as ushers. Following a wedding trip to ‘deep V yoke accented with Southern California, the couple small covered buttons, and the will reside in Ogden. train was edged with accordion pleated chiffon. ORIGINAL MODEL For the nuptial events the bride was lovely in a full length original gown of satin and embroidered Venetian lace, with etate 210) shook | |