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Show College of Social & Behavioral Sciences 339 general grade requirements Degree and General Education Requirements. Students not meeting the minimum grade requirements for an individual Social Work course may repeat that course one (l) time before being dropped from the Social Work program. In the rare event a student is unable to complete SW 4860 and SW 4861 in the field agency they are originally placed, at the discretion of the field placement advisor, the student may request a new placement one (1) time only. Students at any time failing to meet the overall GPA of 2.5 will be given a probationary semester to raise their GPA to the minimum standard. Failure to comply with this policy will result in being dropped from the Social Work program. Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 120 credit hours is required for graduation; a minimum of 41 of these is required within the major not counting the prerequisite courses totaling 18 semester hours. A total of 40 upper division credit hours is required for graduation from Weber State University (courses numbered 3000 and above); a minimum of 38 of these upper division credit hours is required within the Social Work major, plus 3 additional credits in SW 3600 - Social Statistics (which has Quantitative Literacy as a prerequisite), or equivalent. Advisement Students accepted into the program are assigned to a faculty advisor for academic and professional advising. The faculty advisor assists students with course scheduling, academic counseling, and professional self-assessment Students are required to see their faculty advisor at least one time per semester prior to registration. Call the Social Work/ Gerontology office number, 801-626-6157, or the Department Chair, at 801-626-6156, for more information or to schedule an appointment. Admission Requirements Declare a program of study (see Enrollment Services and Information). Satisfactory completion of the following is required prior to formal acceptance into the program: 1. WSU Writing Comp etency (Co mpo sition)* 2. WSU Quantitative Literacy* 3. WSU Computer Literacy* 4. 60-63 semester graduation hours (or equivalent) including the prerequisite courses listed below for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, Human Development, and Social Work prerequisites. These courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better and with a total GPA of 2.5 or better. 5. Students agree to abide by the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics. * Refer to General Requirements on Degree and General Edu catio n R eq u irem en ts Courses Required Prior to Formal Acceptance to the Social Work Program Behavioral and Social Science Prerequisites (9 credit hours) • ANTH 1000 SS/DV - Introduction to Anthropology (3) • PSY 1010 SS - Introductory Psychology (3) • SOC 1010 SS/DV - Introduction to Sociology (3) Human Development Prerequisite (3 credit hours) • ZOOL 1020 LS - Human Biology (3) Any transfer course in this area must contain only human biology content, courses with animal or plant content are not acceptable Social Work Prerequisites (6 credit hours) • SW 1010 SS - Introduction to Generalist Social Work (3) • SW 2100 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment I (3) ZOOL 1020 should be taken prior to or concurrently with SW2100 Formal Admission to the Social Work Program Formal applications for admission to the program will be considered during the semester the student is in the process of completing all the prerequisites or anytime thereafter. Applications may be obtained at the Social Work office (Social Science Building, room 140). The Admissions and Retention Committee will consider all applications and make recommendations in one of the following areas: 1. Full admission to the program 2. Admission to the program with contingencies 3. Denial o f admissio n to the pro gram General Education Refer to Degree and General Education Requirements for either Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts requirements. See specific requirements for the BA and BS under the major course requirements. The following courses for the Social Work prerequisite requirements will also fulfill general education requirements: SW 1010 SS - Introduction to Generalist Social Work; ANTH 1000 SS/DV - Introduction to Anthropology; PSY 1010 SS - Introductory Psychology; SOC 1010 SS/DV - Introduction to Sociology; and ZOOL 1020 LS - Human Biology. Major Course Requirements for BS or BA Degree Thefollowing should be taken after completing the above prerequisites. Required Social Work Core Courses (38 credit hours) SW 2200 DV- Issues in Diversity (3) SW 3100 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment II (2) SW 3200 - Child and Family Welfare (2) SW 3500 - Social Welfare & Gerontological Policy Development and Service (3) SW 3600 - Social Statistics (3) (or equivalent) (Prerequisite — Quantitative Litercy. Must be completed prior to SW4861) SW 3700 - Social Work Research (3) (It is recommended to take a Statistics course [SW3600] prior to Research) SW 3900 - Social Work Methods, Values, and Ethics (3) SW 3910 - Social Work Practice I (3) (Make applicationfor Social Service Field Experience prior to completing SW3910) SW 3920 - Social Work Practice II (3) SW 3930 - Social Work Practice III (3) Weber State University 2012-2013 Catalog |