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Show 38 THE WEBER COLLEGE the group; isolation and social contact; social forces. competition and conflict; accommodation and assimilation; social control; collective behavior; and social progress. Daily. Autumn and Winter. Five credit hours. Professor Winsor. Text: Blackmar and Gillin's "Elements of Sociology." 3. Rural Sociology. General exposition of village and farm life; the experiences of frontier life, the ranch and ranch folk, the rural settler, leadership and co-operative effort, problems of home and farm that affect country life, including transportation, amusements, culture, comfort, and convenience. Local application. Daily. Spring quarter. Five credit hours. Professor Winsor. 4. Urban Sociology. The evolution of the modern city, with a survey of the problems and institutions incident to their growth. M., T., W., Th. Spring quarter. Four credit hours. Mr...................... THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY INCLUDING THE TRAINING SCHOOL Professor Winsor Miss Hendricks Instructors in other departments offering courses in this department: C. Elmer Barrett, Associate Professor of Biology. Caroline Parry, Instructor in Art. William H. Manning, Professor of Vocal Music. Lavinia Maughan, Professor of English. THE WEBER COLLEGE 39 1. Elementary. Educational Psychology. An elementary course combining the important topics of both general and educational psychology with emphasis on instructive tendencies, habit formation, memory association and economy of learning, the effective life and the thought processes. Emphasis will be placed especially upon the significant characteristics of children at successive levels of growth. This course forms the basis of the specific courses in educational theory and practice. Autumn quarter. Four credit hours. Text: Freeman's "How Children Learn." 2. Principles of Education. An introductory course to the philosophy of education and furnishes a basis for study of the value of teaching. The following general topics will be treated: (a) values of education, (b) aims of teaching, (c) educational institutions and their relationship to the individual, (d) the place and function of the teacher, and (e) educational materials. M. W. F. Winter quarter. Three credit hours. Text: Klapper's "Principles of Education." 3. Classroom Management. A course in the efficiency in the class room. It treats of the conservation of every element in class room organization. The following topics will receive attention: (a) School programs, (b) seating of pupils, (c) heat-ing and ventilating of school rooms, (d) care and use of supplies and books, (e) schoolroom decoration, (f) definite disciplinary problems, (g) value of good management as a condition for good teaching. Tuesday and Thursday. Winter quarter. Two credit hours. |