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Show 56 THE WEBER COLLEGE Winter, and Spring quarters. Four credit hours. Mr. Oborn. 3. In this course works of Lambert, Clementi, Czerny, Heller, Mozart, Schuman, Kullak, Bach, Phillipp, Roff, Cramer, MacDowell, and Beethoven will be studied, including the presentation of a sonata. One lesson and nine hours practice a week. Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters. Five credit hours. Mr. Oborn. 4. This course consists of a study of works of Czerny, Bach, Kullak, Kessler, Henslet, Chopin, Mac Dowell, Liszt, Godowsky, and Moszkowski with the presentation of a concerto. One or two lessons a week and twelve hours practice a week. Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters. Six credit hours. Mr. Oborn. 5. Organ Study. The purpose of this course is to prepare students of piano to take care of the organ work of the church organizations. NoteBefore registering for any course in music the student should consult the instructor. Courses will be given according to the ability of the student. THE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE Professor Lind Associate Professor Barrett Associate Professor Jensen CHEMISTRY 1. Inorganic Chemistry. This course is designed to cover the Non-Metallic elements. The fundamental principles and theories of chemistry will receive special attention. No previous knowledge of Chem- THE WEBER COLLEGE 57 istry is required for admission to this course. Three recitations and six hours laboratory work a week. Autumn quarter. Five credit hours. Text: McPherson and Henderson's "A Course in General Chemistry" and "Laboratory Manual," by the same authors. 2. Inorganic Chemistry. This course will be a continuation of course 1. The study of the Non-Metallic elements will be completed. Chemical equilibrium, the modern theory of solutions, thermochemistry, and molecular weights will receive special attention. Three recitations and six hours laboratory work a week. Winter quarter. Five credit hours. 3. Inorganic Chemistry. This course is planned to cover the more common metallic elements. Students sufficiently advanced will be given work in qualitative analysis which involves the separation and indentification of the common metals found in salts and minerals. Three recitations and six hours laboratory work a week. Spring quarter. Five credit hours. Text: Same as in course 1, and Noye's "Qualitative Chemical Analysis." 4. Organic Chemistry. This course will take the simple organic compounds, illustrating their characteristic reaction and studying their relationships. The discussion includes the hydrocarbons, alcohols, acids, esthers, fats, hydrocarbons, and proteins. Three recitations and six hours laboratory per week. Winter quarter. Five credit hours. 5. Organic Chemistry. A continuation of Chemistry 4. Three class room periods and six hours laboratory per week. Spring quarter. Five credit hours. |