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Show 72 ■ ~— 4. Food Selection and Preparation. Cookery of vegetables, fruit, cereals, sugars, and fats, and food preservation. Prerequisite or parallel: Chemistry 1. Intended for majors in home economics but may be taken by others who qualify. Two lectures and two laboratory periods a week. Four quarter hours. Autumn. Chipman 5. Food Selection and Preparation. A continuation of Home Econo- omics 4, or it may be taken alone. Emphasis is placed on principles of cooking meats, eggs, milk batters and doughs. Two lectures and two laboratory periods a week. Four quarter hours. Spring. Chipman 6. Nutrition. A study of food and its use in the body. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Chipman 7. Foods and Nutrition. A study of nutrition and cooking principles. Designed for nurses. Four quarter hours. Winter. Chipman 8. Nutrition and Growth of Children. Prerequisite: Home Economics (>. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Chipman 9. Diet Therapy in Disease. Modification of the normal diet to meet the needs of specific diseases. Designed for nurses. Three quarter hours. Spring. Staff 11. Home Economics Survey. An overview of vocations for women. Contacts are made with professional people in Home Economics, some of whom will appear in class. One lecture a week. One quarter hour. Winter. Staff 13. Household Management. A study of money, time, equipment, and its organization as it relates to the efficiency of household operation. Three quarter hours. Autumn. Staff 16. Home Furnishing and Decoration. Fundamentals of decorating house interiors are emphasized. Includes a study of period furniture, its selection, and arrangement, and consideration of each room in the house. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter. Staff 20. Costume Design. Color, line, fabrics, and accessories in relation to appropriate dress. Two quarter hours. Spring. , Staff 21. Clothing the College Girl. The use of a commercial pattern, and construction and fitting of a tailored dress. A second garment is made. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Reichert 22. Clothing Selection and Construction. Emphasis is placed on fitting and tailoring of garments as they are being made. Prerequisite: Home Economics 21. Three quarter hours. Winter, Spring. Reichert 23. Clothing Renovation. Two quarter hours. Winter. -L' Reichert 73 24. Clothing the Family. Study of family clothing and construction of articles for some member of the family. Three quarter hours. Spring. Reichert 25. Clothing the Family. An application of the principles studied in Home Economics 24. Three quarter hours. Spring. Reichert 27. Textiles. Fibers, natural and synthetic yarns, cloth construction and finishes used in fabrics; also selection of textile products. Five quarter hours. Spring. Reichert 33. Preparation for Family Life. Designed to help unmarried students understand attitudes and relationships in marriage, parenthood, and marital adjustments. Includes a study of reproduction, prenatal care and development of the infant during the first year of life. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Judge 35. Child Development and Guidance. A practical course open to all college men and women desiring an understanding of the fundamentals of child growth and development, the care and training of the young child, and a philosophy of guidance. Two quarter hours. Autumn, Win- Spring. Judge 51. Family Meals. A service course for adults on planning, preparing, and serving of family meals. Lecture and laboratory combined in one three hour class a week. One quarter hour. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Staff 52. Family Meals. A continuation class of Home Economics 65. Lecture and laboratory combined in one three hour class a week. One quarter hour. Autumn, Winter. Spring. Staff 53. Cooking Problems. Few foods are selected for discussion and preparation. Principles underlying cookery are emphasized. Discussion and laboratory combined in one three hour class a week. One quarter hour. Autumn, Winter. Spring. Staff i 60. Elementary Clothing. Designed for the homemaker who desires guidance in elementary clothing problems. One laboratory period a week. One quarter hour. Autumn. Winter, Spring. Staff 61. Advanced Clothing. Assistance on individual advanced clothing problems. One laboratory period a week. One quarter hour. Autumn, Winter. Spring. Staff 62. Tailoring. A course intended for people who have had some experience in sewing and are interested in coat or suit making. One labo- ratorv period a week. One quarter hour. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Staff 70. Upholstery. Elementary operations of webbing, springing, first stuffing, and upholstery of footstools, ottomans, and chairs. A student works on his own articles, using his own materials. One three-hour laboratory a week. One quarter hour. Autumn, Winter. Spring. Summer. Staff |