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Show 24 WEBER COLLEGE Hiking Being close to the famous Wasatch range of mountains, hiking is a much favored activity. Each fall the annual pilgrimage is made to Mount Ogden, a peak east of the school whose elevation is 9,575 feet. A great flag pole was planted on this peak October 4, 1922, by the school. Three hundred seventy-five people took part in the dedicatorial services. During January or February of each year a winter hike to this great peak is also sponsored by the school. The path is rugged, the scenery varied, hence come all the thrills of an Alpine climb. To the north and east of the school are Lewis peak and Mount Ben Lomond, the latter having an elevation of 9,717 feet. Trips to these peaks are taken during the year. Because of the numerous geological wonders in the Wasatch Range hiking is both educational and recreational. Winter Sports Skating, skiing, tobogganning, and coasting have been adopted as chief of winter sports. Skating on the north end of Utah's great lake is a pleasure unique in itself. The famous Bonneville Lake Terraces furnish fine courses for skiing and tobogganning. No finer slope for coasting could be found anywhere in the west than the great Stansbury Lake Terrace. Clubs and parties foster these activities. All students who attend the school are eligible to take part. WEBER COLLEGE 25 Assembly Student assemblies which are held each Friday furnish opportunity for student development. The Faculty and Student Body will alternately have charge of the assemblies. Special assemblies are held when occasion arises. Attendance at the Assembly is required of all Students. Socials All socials, such as dancing parties, class parties and banquets, are under the direct charge of the Board of Control, the class advisors and faculty directors. During the year, approximately fourteen dancing parties are held. The Student Association is responsible for the financial and social success of these parties. The head of the music department, however, reserves the right to pass upon the quality of music rendered by the orchestra. He, therefore, controls the selection of the orchestra. The Weber Alumni Association The Weber Alumni Association is made up of the graduates of Weber—both high school and college. The Weber Alumni Association was incorporated in 1922. The officers of the Association are President, First Vice-President, Second-Vice President, Secretary. The Board of Directors of the Weber Alumni Association consists of the above named officers of the association, and the President and Secretary-Treasurer of the College, and the President of the Associated Students of Weber College. |