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The Marriott-Slaterville City History Collection was created by the residents of the town to document their history. The collection includes Autobiographies, Oral Histories, History of Marriott, History of Slaterville, and the History of the Merging Townships to create Marriott-Slaterville City. This information has left behind rich histories, stories and important information regarding the history of the Marriott-Slaterville area. |
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Show In order to be prepared for such disasters the Weber Fire District and the city are working to develop a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). I have asked Gerald Bischoff to lead this team, but he needs your support and volunteer assistance. I welcome anyone interested in serving in the CERT program to contact Mr. Bischoff or myself. Volunteers will be trained by emergency officials about the CERT program. Then, if needed, they can be called upon in cases of emergency. Finally, as spring approaches, the city office is preparing to move to its new location on the lower level of the Cape Complex on 1200 West near 12th Street. The building where the city office is presently located is being demolished as part of the redevelopment of Defense Depot Ogden, forcing the office to move. I expect that by early May 2003, the office will be moved to the new location, so prepare to conduct municipal business at that new location. I look forward to the challenges that 2003 brings. I hope each of us will meet the challenges that the future brings with courage and understanding. Planning Commission Agenda Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approve minutes/Complete disclosures. 3. Presentation on subdivision concepts. 4. High density plan amendment request by Imani on 1200 W. 5._Adjourn until March 12, 2003._ City Council Agenda Thursday, February 20, 2003, 6:30 p.m. Call to Order. Approval of minutes/Complete disclosures. 3. Mayor's State of the City Address. 4. Parks Planning Committee: Jim Ito 5. Business license: Auto Repair at 812 W 17th Street. 6. Public hearing on request filed to vacate portions of 200 South and 2800 West streets. Action on public hearing. 7. Updated zoning and subdivision binders: Randy Phipps. 8. Interlocal cooperation agreement for Storm Water. 9. Resolution 2003-B giving appreciation for the efforts of Dr. George Burbidge on EPA storm water program. 10. Litter control ordinance. 11. Legislative oversight and Mayor's report. 12. Adjourn until March 20, 2003. Notice: the above agendas are only tentative, for a final agenda contact the City Office, 627-1919._ 2002 Vital Statistics - Deaths Name Date Age Clyde D. Lowe 1-11-2002 88 Verla Rose Johnson Price 1-21-2002 84 Eugene Pierce 3-6-2002 88 Richard Myron Alkema 3-12-2002 87 auriann Barrett Martin 4-7-2002 59 Violet Iona Stratton 4-13-2002 92 Helen Dott Poulson 4-25-2002 90 Ella Ruth Batholomew Fryer 5-14-2002 92 Jack Claude Tippetts 7-29-2002 75 Phyllis Hodson DeVries 9-16-2002 85 Beverly Jean Byrnes Robinson 9-20-2002 70 Frances "Frankie" K. Pierce 10-21-2002 95 Dennis "Denny" L. Deru 11-9-2002 65 2002 Vital Statistics - Births Child's Name/Parent's Name Date of Birth Sex Adrianna Childs 2-20-2002 Girl Rick and Jami Childs Disiree Joyce Stephens 2-22-2002 Girl Bobby and Donnell Butler Stephens Kelson Andrew McConkie 4-2-2002 Boy Wilson and Alica McConkie Jackson Glen Taylor 4-5-2002 Boy Jason and Jana Taylor Jadie Marie Aiken 5-12-2002 Girl Kelly and Wendie Aiken Kylee Rogers 5-31-2002 Girl Ryan and Michelle Rogers Camree LaDon Christoffersen 6-3-2002 Girl Randee Hufstetler and Chris Christoffersen Morgan Noelle Butler 7-26-2002 Girl Brent and Angela Butler Savannah Alon Brandley 8-5-2002 Girl Adam and Daylynn Brendley Jarin Travis Allen 8-20-2002 Boy Travis and Chazel Allen Tanner Alan Bass 9-10-2002 Boy Alan and Adria Bass Kelson Emrys Schofield 9-18-2002 Boy Michael and Adrielle Schofield Ammon Taylor Phipps 9-27-2002 Boy Marcus and Ronda Phipps Halleigh Christine Delbridge 9-30-2002 Girl Raymond "Butch" and Angela Grant Delbridge Ziah Trammell 10-26-2002 Girl Caleb and Naomi Trammell |