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Show I. 44.—_ __ _ . Stenographer-Clerk This course is designed for a student who desires to qualify for a position as stenographer and general office work after the completion of one year of training. A. W. S. English 1 or 81, 52 ...:.. - 3 3 Sec. Science 31, 32, 33 or 34, 85, 36- 5 5 5 Sec Science 41, 42, 43 or 44, 45, 46- 3 3 3 Sec. Science 85 3 Sec. Science 87 3 See. Science 92, 95 5 5 Sec. Science 97 - 3 16 17 16 SHORT INTENSIVE TRAINING FOR SPECIFIC OFFICE OCCUPATIONS For a student who desires intensive training for specific office occupations leading to immediate preparation for employment or promotion. The student, who does not wish to meet the prescribed recommendations of any business curricula is free to concentrate on selected courses that will satisfy his special interests and needs. Intensive training may be received in Accounting, Office Machines, Stenography, Electrical Voice Writing, Typewriting, and related business subjects. OOIJRSES OF INSTRUCTION * Stenography GREGG SHORTHAND—THOMAS NATURAL SHORTHAND 31. The Theory of Shorthand (Gregg or Thomas). Introduction to the theory of shorthand. Dictation is given on practical material at rates adapted to the abilities of the students. Prerequisite: The ability to typewrite. If a student has had no typewriting ,he must register for Sec. Science 41. Five quarter hours. Autumn, Winter. Vietti 32. The Theory of Shorthand (Gregg or Thomas). A continuation of Sec Science 31. Prerequisite : Sec. Science 31 or equivalent. Five quarter hours. Winter, Spring. Vietti 33. Theory Review and Speed Development (Gregg or Thomas). A continuation of Sec. Science 32. Emphasis on dictation and rapid writing. Five quarter hours. Spring. Vietti 34. Intermediate Dictation (Gregg or Thomas). Designed for students who have had previous training in shorthand and who can take dictation at 60 words a minute. Review of shorthand theory. Emphasis on new vocabulary abbreviations, and phrase writing. Dictation at reasonable speeds with stress on fluency and accuracy of writing. Five quarter hours. Autumn. Christensen 45 35. Advanced Dictation (Gregg or Thomas). A continuation of Sec Science 34. Drill on specialized vocabularies. Five quarter hours. Winter. Christensen 36. Expert Dictation (Gregg or Thomas). An intensive dictation course emphasizing reporting shortcuts and special phrasing. High-speed writing. Five quarter hours. Spring. Christensen Applied Stenography 52a. Basic Transcription. A study of fundamental transcription techniques. To be taken with Sec. Science 32. One quarter hour. Winter. Christensen, Vietti 53a. Basic Transcription. A continuation of Sec. Science 52a. To be taken with Sec. Science 33. One quarter hour. Spring. Christensen, Vietti 54a. Intermediate Transcription. A brief review of basic transcription principles. To be taken with Sec. Science 34. One quarter hour. Autumn. Christensen 55a. Advanced Transcription. Practical business transcription problems are emphasized. To be taken with Sec. Science 34. One quarter hour. Winter. Christensen 56a. Expert Transcription. Intensive transcription practice with emphasis on rapid and accurate transcription. To be taken with Sec. Science 36. One quarter hour. Spring. Christensen Typewriting 41. Elementary Typewriting. A foundation course in typewriting designed to achieve mastery of the keyboard and to attain a typing speed of at least 25 words a minute, with special emphasis placed on technique and accuracy drills. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Ogden 42. Business Typewriting Procedures. A course in skill building and office typewriting designed to attain a typing speed of at least 35 words a minute, with special emphasis placed on Business Letter Styles, Tabulation, and Manuscript Typing. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Ogden 43. Intermediate Typewriting. A course in office typing projects designed to attain a typing speed of at least 45 words a minute, with special emphasis placed on preparation of telegrams, stencil duplication process, preparation of invoices, credit memoranda, and statements, payroll forms, executive reports, and manuscript typing. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Ogden |