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Show i ei. TAI Real Estate, Loans, Rentals and Collection: 501 Eccles Bidg. FFLT 1312 | Teleph = R. L. POLK 40016 3 AUTO: (eutesrenccnles ts ciocor co, 7 eee rid meeeee Bn Miller Sant "Samal Miller ‘Glothing SUPPLY Miller Susie Co) ix 159 (wid Harry) janOUR&Dr 108 Miller C0 a W. H. Short, 3 Manager 7 Thos H hipr-S' ee ee ce ee en Inlired illigan res Tubes a Accessories wes Vulcanizing ee B. :» Ss i Minnoch a studen . insp r 2180 Lillie Ogden gden i. Peter) r 168 22d. W carp r 2366 Iowa 23d. 165 Co rms P av. ace Benet nic sees Yah as Son rcs Buc Gr eoemer seh, Homme al : Hudson Bldg, r 790 Chas chfr Canyon r 3 _ Mitche aay ee ; en rd, ilds Mitchell Edwin H birmkr . Charlotte A grocer W Weber r same. >) Claude whsmnn O M Runyan rms Montana Jos Mitchell ; Milliken Wm G clk r 2613 Jefferson av. Mills Mills (wid Mires Wm H lab Globe G & M Co rms 2025 Tyler ay. Mitchell Mrs Alice G tchr Mound Ft Schl r 204 Plaza Apts. _ MITCHELL ARTHUR J, Mgr Western Credit Assn, 301 Col | illigan Wm rkmn r efferson ay. Milliken Madeline student b 2613 Jefferson ay. E eee : iitinson Lillian M asst W H Petty b 2366 Towa av. i] bdoul. Sarah 118 W Soth, ; _ Mischler Danl A r 3065 Grant av. me boul. ia nisen & Py "Minter Silas A agt r 3024 Grant av. a : 313 - Minter Le Roy E musn r 3024 Grant av. * | Co. PHONE 175 ae : ; G & Vera B steno Minnoch "Minnoch : recs Y gdnr 25 Wilson la r same. an ae Be as oer ee Van Buren ay : Mile Wit stent G87 a suger Eile 100" Seder both es MINESD trea wacked tat ay, Milligan Archie Ti UR . nee ee 111er Diamond ee 28th. — - OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1920. oa pr P. Miller Wm K clk r 210 Plaza Apts. Miller Wm E hipr § Pb 527 22d. Miller Wm R mach 8 P r 527 22d. 37 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET ee ; Cae, ee Bee ce Laundry LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS _ minocH GLASS & PRINT 0 (Robt B and David © Minnoch), P Minnoch Robt B (Minnoch G & P Co) r 454 30th. 3 i iler) Waller& sis Ghana; See a | ik =. e bare: Miller Thelma M student rms 3465 Ogden ay. . Miller Thos G mach 8 P r 2247 Lincoln av. ‘VOgden Steam a : o5th , a ee _ Tel 2289. §S P r 3266 Lincoln studen 445 ! av. Monroe av. S av. re C rms f Geo E mach S Pr 411 Plaza Apts. _ Mitchell ) Mitchell f John H cond D & R Gr 2182 Wash J A firmn U P rms Depot Hotel. ) Mitchell Lioyd C mgr Ogden Baking Co r 2557 Grant.av. Sundays 10 to 11 A M, r 2613 Madison avy, Tel Mills es ae ie Ce av r same. Mills Fre trucke i Mills Geo opr O U R & Drms 258 22d. . Ei, pecles Bldg, Tel 176, Warehouse 2466-2468 Wall av, Tel Shel Reich Tee ie wee Gor aor ou: itche Or ; Mitchell Richa R eng Bureau of Pub Roads rms Reed Hotel. Mills Gerald W Hours clk O 10 to 12 A M, 2 to 4 and 7 U-R & D r 1073 24th. oe ves Mills Helen L~student 2613 Madison av. Mills Jas mech b 2126 Wash av. Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills _ MITCHELL s ee! a aa av. a a a a om Mills Wm J exp messr b 2126 Wash av. Milne Jas L eng Globe G & M Co rms Weber Hotel. ~ eea cement wkr r 3377 Childs av. Miloazzo Paul 1 cement ~ Miner Earl E lab Union Stk Yds rms 2762 Park av. Minis Jessie Ir 654 24th. Minkler Ray A clk Amal Sugar Co r 837 234. BROWN TRANSEERS PIANO MOVING AND PACKING HEAVY MOVING AND LONG Rear Glen Bros-Roberts Piano — == CAR-LOAD L DISTANCE Co, Office HAU Pho . 7 a2 cy n Robt J motrmn Wholesale UR Tr Hay, rear Grain 1764 and Flour, 3 Wash ae eke Maso lab 208 W 22d. Mamoto os (I Miyamoto Tlg Co): r 278 23d. _Miya *AMOTO | roTAILO ORING CO (Ichiro Miyamoto), Pressi, See . C. DAVIS| UN . ae | REAL ESTATE Y BONDS ATIONAL AND BANK BLDG. Union Portland Cement Buildin gs Specialties : | ; ‘ Cleaning, Groen er, Gpaiting, Women's av, Tel Grant Clothinell Prices,and, 2455 ReasonableMen's ~ Sune.!NSURANCE « av. and tractors 2439 Hud. Ba * Mite aR opr OU R & Drms 2610 Monroe av. Mitlehner Mi tE birmkr § P. B Senberser 3 1: oe Albt) grocer 2632 Wall av r same. at mn $ P rms 2510 Lincoln av. DMiva G farmer r a ae -Miya s ae Ee oo iyaka T By Made 7to Meeisss F ee | 503 SMitchell Bott I driver Utah Grain & Elev Co rms 354 234. ye r = Co (R T Mitchell) autos a Jane (wid Andw) r 2126 Wash av. John M dairymn r Burch Greek. John M jr b Burch Creek. Kenneth b Burch Creek. _ Marion E student b 2613 Madison av. Mary mlnr Mansfield-B Co rms 2126 Wash Paul O lab r 2781 Grant av. O FRED, ail ae av. ||MILLS ERNEST P, Physician and Surgeon, 20-24 L Tel 709-W, vec Ogden Porti "Mitchell John farmer r Hooper. | ee e LOANS TELEPHONE : 913 gegLes 3 BUILDING |) | |