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Show BROWNING lw. AUTOMOBILE Co. Commercial Cigar Store H. CENDAGORTA & Co, CANDY SOFT DRINKS CIGARS and TOBACCO R. L. POLK O’Connor Louise O’Connor Raymond OGDEN, UTAH F student b 2147 L appr S P b 2147 Mrs pees Myrtle I slsldy (wid Oscar T) Wash. lab ae Hugo From the To the Large Contracts A Complete Line of ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES SUPPLIES and FIXTURES WASHING MACHINES and VACUUM CLEANERS Phone 2454 Wash, 581 he: Lincoln ay. Ogden aus M blrmkr § P r 3481 Adams av. OGDEN ea gop gden OGDEN Gas Tanks Repaired, N L Vermilya 2454-2456 Grant CO, av, Tel 916. L C Mitchell (See 7 Mgr, 25th, Tel 1949_W. een Canal & Water a A D yaro s. : an Ogden Billiard Hall (Neal D McMillan) 425 25th. OGDEN BOARD OF EDUCATION, Dr E | Rich P. Clancy Sec, J R Hinchcliff Treas, J Karl Ho 303-308 Col Hudson Bldg, Tel 25. BOSCH MAGNETO WILLARD BATTERIES RAYFIELD CARBURETORS Authorized Agents For REMY KLAXON Experts Automotive Electrical Equipment 2452-4-6 Grant Avenue Canyon Re i LAUNDERERS - DRY ¢ TELS, 367-368 2147-2153 ROYAL AV. Og 46-R-5 Stationery, Books, to all (J H Emmett), Soda Water Manav, Tel 2528. ,2668 Lincoln O P Badger Co Lime mgr OGDEN CANYON SANITARIUM, Brig eek Ogden Canyon, Take Glenwood Canyon. Ogden Robinson Mgr, Mouth of or Ogden Canyon Cars, (See left side lines and ady under Classified Sanitariums) Cement Products Co J J McGregor 2909 Wash av. _ OGDEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, W “x Douglas V-Pres, F J Stevens Treas, ere: Floor Col Hudson Bldg, Tel 10. mgr cement blocks : L Wattis Pres, J H O J Stillwell Sec, 5th meen City Artesian Wells e end Ogden Canyon 2 mi W Hunts= wisi. _ Ogden City Ag avs Cemetery bet a 19th and 20th Madison and Adams _ OGDEN ciTy DIRECTORY, R L Polk & Co Publishers, Office > sand Library Pil _ are Qw a Lake cor with 26th, Carnegie General City, Tel Was "Always Reliable on Free Offices, 2339. Library, 613-616 » | ae Distributors of ae DISTILLED WATER _ Washingtin Dooly Never Bldg, av, Salt . Without Ice ICE Ogden City Ice Company G. Earl Ses Ave. Ma BOTTLING WORKS ufacturers “Ogden se Co, e c i v r e S o t u A Ogden PHONE For Quick Service Take The Yellow Automobile, Tel 3041-J Geo Wishart Chambers Townsend), (E W STORE BOOK OGDEN - Ogden . : Co RESORT Office Supplies, Souvenirs, Novelties, Subscriptions Magazines, 2484 Washington av, Tel 1801-W. em met af: T Barber BOATING For All Chronic Diseases, Rheumatism, Etc. Private Pools Guara Griffin), AND Springs Hot) Mineral Natural af _ OGDEN r 4 adv). BATHING _ MOUTH OF OGDEN CANYON @ a Sec, L R Willoughby 2557-2561 Grant av. Tel 601. OGDEN BARBER SUPPLY CO (J W 318 Work eS ce 7 (See inside back cover). CO, C B Hawley Pres, E F Pres-Mgr, BAKING All DIRECTORY—1920. sah ART STUDIO (Harry Y Jinnai), Artist tet Ba0 at Tel eas: Auto Pain op (TD andS W Swift) 224 AUTO RADIATOR CO (J J Donavia | Radiz and g@DEN’S POPULAR he a ay. Ogawa Frank F (Royal Cleaning & Hand Lndry) oe Smallest r 26 196 W 28th. Ogaard Harry A N appr § P. Ave. YES WE DO WIRING -_ pkpr singas SM Inger Herman clk U P rms 2148 Oftedah] Amelia (wid Hans) r 2051 OGDEN Lighthouse — Wright’s CITY Ogden Canyon Sanitarium ay. Odermatt Dorthea slsldy Wright’s b 2669 Halls et. = Odermatt Hudson av, Tel 201. OGDEN AUTO SERVICE 2454 OGDEN Odell Mary A (wid Thos) rms 869 24th. Odermatt Chas A moved to Los Angeles, ers THE Grant Odd Fellows’ Hall 2320 Wash av. Odney Effie W UTAH OGDEN, ; 160 HUDSON AVE. & CO’S O'Connor Jas J formn § P r 2147 Grant ay. Ogaard 200 25th St. Phone 3022 oO Ss 338 Co., Inc. GHEET METAL PRODUCTS WARM AIR FURNACES ROOFING AND WATER-PROOFING KINDS OF 1910 SHE | re Established Phone 1952 GARAGE, ACCESSORIES, SUPPLIES AND R Grant Ave. TRUCK '2450 Oswell Jackson 4 Thomas, Manager : Telephone 518 a Office 2379 Hudson Avenue tt: Gsile\ rr UTAH ASK YOURDEALER , - MINED ONLY BY — XY UTANFUELCO. - oq eg fer) be OGDEN, two Famous Coals ye Clean and |