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Show 68 RAILROADS—SECRET ORGANIZATIONS. LADIES OF THE MACCABEES. Silver Hive No 1—Meets the second and fourth Tues¬days at 2:30 p m, at K of P Hall. Irene Carson, L C; Em¬ma L Towne, R K. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Utah Camp No 9990—Meets every Friday at 8 p m at A O U W Hall. J J Brummitt, V C; E G Burdick, Clerk. NATIONAL UNION. Wasatch Council No 520—340 25th. Regular meet¬ing third Monday of each month. A A Wenger, Pres; A W Putnam, Fin Sec; A F Richey, Treas. ORDER OF WASHINGTON. Ogden Union No 172—Walter Richey, Pres; W E Wester, Sec. Meets every Thursday evening at I O O F Hall. ROYAL ARCANUM. Rocky Mountain Council No 637—2433 Washington av. Instituted! Jam 14, 1882. Meets second and fourth Mondays of each month. Fred Meissner, Regent ; Fred C Martindale, Vice-Regent; H A Lindley, Sec; Wallace Foulger, Treas; Joseph Severn, Collector. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA. Excelsior Camp of Ogden No 3246—Meets first and third Thursday evenings of each month, A O U W Hall. Mrs Aniniie Lewis, Oracle; Miss Alice B Burdick, Recor¬der. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Weber Camp No 74—Meets every Thursday evening STREET RAIWAYS—TRADES AND LABOR. 69 in K of P Hall. E C Olsen, P P; B Caininon, CC; JC Gas berg, A L; Samuel Rosenbluth, T J Paine and T O Morris, Managers; Ed Auth, Clerk; George Huss, Banker; Alexander Huss, Escort. W OF W—LADIES' AUXILIARY. Women of Woodcraft, Sego Lily Circle No. 174— Meets Second and fourth Friday evenings in K of P Hall. Officers: Mrs J Mattes, G N; M A Morris, P G N; Mrs O Riser, Advisor; Mrs J Douglas, Mag; Mrs Lillie Light, Clerk; Mrs A Lansing, Banker; Mrs J McKenna, Attend¬ant; Mrs Daisy McGaw, Mrs Cora. Snyder, Mrs Mabel Moon, Managers. STREET RAILWAYS. Ogden Rapid Transit Co—2382 Washington av. Thos D Dee, Pres; H H Spencer, Vice-Pres; G H Matson, Sec; C H Kircher, Treas; N C Flygare, Mgr. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE COMPANIES. Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Co—2444 Washing¬ton av. Wm W Grossman, Mgr. Western Union Telegraph Co—2414 Washington av. W J Dermody, Mgr. TRADES AND LABOR ORGANIZATIONS. Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen—Meets first and third Wednesdav evenings and second and fourth Sundays at 11 a m at K of P Hall. C D Simpson, Master; A L Howe, Sec. Order of Railway Conductors, Wasatch Division No. 124—Headquarters K of P Hall, Organized June 1, 1884. Meets first and third Sundavs in each month. F W Her- rington, Chief Conductor; D L Boyle, Sec. |