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Show Going to Build? If so, consult F.C. Woods & Co. for estimates and plans. rooms 56 and 57 first national bank building. 124 R. L. POLK & CO'S Browning Jonathan A, farmer, res s s 29th 2 e of Pa¬cific av. Browning Jonathan E (Browning Bros Co), res 485 27th. Browning Lena, stenog Blackman & Griffin, bds 151 W 29th. Browning Louie, student High School, bds 505 27th. Browning Lucy (wid Charles F), bds 2221 Grant av. Browning Martha (wid Isaac A), res rear 348 28th. Browning Matthew S (WW Browning & Co) v-pres Browning Bros Co, res 2700 Washington av. Browning Orlando A, moved to Milford, U. Browning Oscar M, repr Browning Bros Co, res 3138. Adams av. Browning Raymond W, clk W H Wright & Sons Co, bds 2644 Lafavette av. Browning Stephen A, res 151 W 29th. Browning Stephen E, clk Browning Bros Co, res 258 33d. Browning Telitha, student High School, bds 2700 Wash¬ington av. browning thomas e Chief of Police, City Jail, res 685 27th. Browning Thomas S (Browning Bros Co and W W Browning & Co), res 2723 Adams av. Browning Walter, hostler J P Rankin, res rear 348 28th. Browning Wm J, student, bds 2747 Adams av. Browning Wm W (WW Browning & Co), res 2747 Adams av. Browning W W & Co, (Wm W, John M, Matthew S and Thomas S Browning), printers, 2461 Washington av. Brownlee George, moved to Salt Lake City. Brownlee John, moved to Salt Lake City. Brownlee Mrs Lizzie, moved to Salt Lake City. Bruce George, clk, bds 2604 Adams av. Mowers. Rakes. Headers. Binders. McCormick champion consolidated wagon & machine co. try.... the oxford for a fine meal or first class refreshments. leedom & pattison, proprs. basement eccles bldg. Typewriter supplies. underwood typewriter agency. 2441 wash. ave. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 125 Bruce Susan (wid Gardner A), res 739 24th. Bruce Thomas, switchman UPR R, res 2604 Adams av. Bruckman James, clk R M S, res Salt Lake City. Brumiler Charles R, grocer, 2312 Washington av, res 507 same. Brummitt James J, real est, 2408 Washington av, rms same. Brussaard Franz, janitor Ogden Union Ry & Depot Co, res 2274 Monroe av. Bryant J L, brkman S P Co, rms European Hotel. Buchanan John H, brkman S P Co, res 2255 Jefferson av. Bucher, see also Buker. Bucher Frank O, clk R M S, res 379 30th. bucher louis j Contractor and Builder, Brick Manufacturer, Cement Walks, Mantels, Tiles and Grates, 2587 Grant av, Tel 348-Y. Yards 31st cor Monroe av, res 1438 25th. (See right bottom lines.) Louis J. Bucher, brickmaker and contractor. dealer in wood, brick and tile mantels, tile floor, hearth and mantel facings. cement walks and cellars. salesroom, corner grant ave. and 26th st. ogden, utah. Bucher Louis J Jr, clk L J Bucher, bds 1438 25th. Bucher Wm J, butcher N Mark & Son, bds 2231 Grant av. Buchmiller Margaret E, bds 2430 Adams av. Buchmiller Michael, res 2430 Adams av. Buchmiller Roy L, clk F M Nye, bds 2430 Adams av. O.M. Runyon, 2269 wall ave. bee's wax, etc. Ives $3.00 hats. all styles union made one price. |