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Show 70 TRADES AND LABOR—WARDS AND BOUNDARIES. Ladies' Auxiliary, Order of Railway Conductors— Star of Utah Division No 83; headquarters K of P Hall. Organized Oct 2, 1895. Meets first and third Thursdays of each month at 2:30 p m. Clara, Mignault, Pres; Lulu Campbell, Sec and Treats. Tailors' Union No 111—Meets first Tuesday in each at Labor Union Hall. John Linsbad, Pres; Robert Ander¬son, Sec; S A Lindh, Treas. Typographical Union No 236—Meets, second Sunday of each month; F A Zitzman, Pres; J II Randall, Fin Sec; D B Ellis, Rec Sec. WARDS AND BOUNDARIES. First Ward—All that territory west of Washington av and south of 25th,. Second WTard—All that territory west of Washing¬ton av and north of 25th to Ogden river. Third Ward—All territory north of Ogden river. Fourth Ward—All territory east of Washington av north of 25th to Ogden river. Fifth Ward—All territory east of Washington av and south of 25th. 100 Reward. The Association of American Directory Publishers Will pay $100 reward for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons attempting to collect money on fraudulent directory advertisements. WILLIAM H. BATES, Sec'y, 21 University Place, New York City R. L. POLK & CO.'S OGDEN city DIRECTORY 1903-1904. ABBREVIATIONS, exp messr. . . .express mes- senger E or e east e s east side frt freight gen general ins insurance insp . . inspector lab laborer mach machinist mech mechanic mer merchant mess messenger mkr maker mnfg .... manufacturing mnfr manufacturer mgr manager nr near N or n north n e northeast n s north side n w northwest opp opposite opr operator photog .... photographer phys . . physician pk . park pkr packer pl place pres president prin principal pub publisher P O . poctoffice rd road real est real estate repr repairer res residence Rev reverend rms rooms R M S ..railway mail service sec secretary spec special stenog stenographer supt .... superintendent S or south s e southeast s s south side s w south west tchr teacher ter terrace tndr tender trans trans fer trav agt.... traveling agent treas treasurer vet vetinary whol wholesale wid widow wks works W or w west w s west side yd yard ALPHABETICAL LIST OF NAME . (Copyright secured. 1903.) For all Names not Found in Alphabetical List, See Preceding Pages— 'REMOVALS, ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS/' a Aadneson Christopher, res 344 Washington av. Aadneson Christopher Jr, cellarman Becker B & M Co, bds 344 Washington av. agt agent appr apprentice asst assistant av avenue bartndr bartender bds boards bet between bkpr bookkeeper bldg building blk block blksmith blacksmith brklyr bricklayer carp carpenter cash cashier clk clerk clnr cleaner col'd colored comm'r commissioner com commission comp . compositor cond conductor confectr confectioner contr contractor cor corner ct court dep deputy dept department dist district elev elevator emp employee clk clerk eng engineer |