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Show w.j. dallimore, licensed plumber and gas fitter. 2352 washington ave tel. 518-x. 376 R. L. POLK & CO'S OGDEN BOTTLING WORKS Emmett Bros Proprs, 2668 Lincoln av, Tel 34-Z. (See back cover.) OGDEN BROKERAGE CO H T Gee Mgr, 2482 Washington av, Tel 215. OGDEN BROOM FACTORY M G Seoville Propr, Frank L Seoville Mgr, 2441 Grant av, Tel 117-K. Ogden Bros & co (NO and D H Ogden, Benjamin Smalley), grocers, 2305 Washington av. Ogden Building & Savings Assn, George J Kelly sec, base¬ment Reed Hotel Bldg. OGDEN CARRIAGE FACTORY Enoch Orahood Propr, 248 24th. (See left top lines.) Ogden City Cemetery, Madison and Adams avs, bet 19th and 20th. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY R L Polk & Co Publishers, Office and Library with Carnegie Free Library, w s Washington av bet 25th and 26th, Miss Zoe Faddis Librarian. Ogden City Fire Department (Central Station), e s Grant av bet 25th and 26th. OGDEN CITY AND WEBER COUNTY ABSTRACT CO R C Brownell Y-Pres, Geo J Kelly Sec, basement Reed Hotel Bldg. Ogden Coal & Wrecking Co, Riley Harmon mgr, 2576 Washington av. Ogden Coffee Co, J M and M H Thomas proprs, rear 263 24th. wallace drug co. drugs, toilet articles and cutlery. e.f. bratz. 2486 washington ave. reliable information to investors and homeseekers. ogden steam laundry co. o.a. parmley. 437 twenty fifth street. telephone 174. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 377 Ogden Consolidated Mining & Milling Co, Albern Allen pres, N H Ives sec and treas, Broom Hotel. OGDEN CO - OPERATIVE DRUG CO G F Cave Propr, 2301 Washington av, Tel 351-X. Ogden Crematory, 29th w of Pacific av. Ogden Daniel H (Ogden Bros & Co), res 145 Tracy av. Ogden Driving Park, n s 17th bet Lincoln and Wall avs. Ogden Electric & Cornice Works, J G Smyth propr, 2459 Grant av. OGDEN ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO Alex Leatham Propr, 2450 Washington av. (See right side lines.) Ogden Electrical Supply Co. alex leatham, proprietor. we carry a full ine of electrical supplies and electric fixtures. also all kinds of motors and dynamos. telephone 266-z. call and see us. 2450 washington ave. Ogden Fossil Oil & Land Co, Geo J Kelly sec, basement Reed Hotel Bldg. OGDEN FURNITURE & CARPET CO Thomas D Dee Pres, H H Spencer V-Pres, James Pin- gree Sec and Treas, Willard Snow Mgr, 2432 to 2436 Washington av, Tel 170-2. (See back cover and op¬posite classified Furniture.) c.p. utter, o.d. room 319 eccles bldg., ogden, utah ...the eye specialist... eyes tested free. ..satisfaction guaranteed.. do you attend strictly to your "knittin'?" we do. ogden knitting factory. 2274 washington avenue. |