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Show 72 R. L. POLK & CO'S Aadneson Josie, bds 344 Washington av. Aadneson Lillie, bds 344 Washington av. Abbott Abiel, groceries and meats, Washington av s e eor 31st, res same. Abbott Charles, mess O D Ilasmussen, bds 2364 Grant ay. Abbott E, emp S P Co, res 138 24th. ABBOTT JAMES W V-Pres Geo A Lowe Co, res 2838 Washington av, Tel 274-Z. Aekaret Henry, driver Ogden Transfer & Storage Co, res Monroe av s w cor 26th. Acomb Lizzie, elk Kolitz Kandy Kompany, bds 330 23d. Adam Charles W, res 2659 Lafayette av. Adams Albert L, student, bds Wilson's Lane. Adams Mrs Anna A, res 502 13th. Adams Carl S, elk R M S, res Salt Lake City. Adams Charles J, farmer, res Riverdale. Adams Daniel H, prin Madison School, res 2783 Grant a v. Adams Edith A, bds Wilson's Lane. Adams Flora R, bds Wilson's Lane. Adams Harry, porter, 10 Electric av. Adams Herbert G, elk Wasatch Orchard Co, bds 2130 Lin¬coln av. Adams Inez V, bds 2430 Lincoln av. Adams Jessie, bds Riverdale. Adams John A, moved to Ohio City, Colo. Adams Joseph, res Wilson's Lane. Adams Josephine, dressmkr, bds 2231 Washington av. Adams Kate (wid George), res 2231 Washington av. Adams Louis B, died Feb 23, '02, age 59. Adams Louisa M (wid Louis B), res 2430 Lincoln av. Adams Robert E, mess W H Wright & Sons Co, bds 2633 Lincoln av. Adams Robert T, lab, res 1052 25th. W.J. Dallimore, licensed plumber and gas fitter. 2352 washington ave tel. 518-x wallace drug co. full line of fine perfumery. e.f. bratz real estate and loans. 2466 washington av. Adams Ross K, bartndr W A Scudder, res 2633 Lincoln av. Adams Win H, linotype opr Standard, res Wilson's Lane. Adamson Anna, bds 733 22d. Adamson Annie, bds 847 28th. . , Adamson Outhbert L, bds 847 28th. Adamson Mabel, domestic, 2341 Adams av. Adamson Thomas L, plasterer, res 847 28th. Adkinson, see Atkinson. Adlam Emma (wid Benjamin), bds 2360 Jefferson av. ADVANCE ROLLER MILLS Ogden Milling & Elevator Go, Proprs, 1950 Washing¬ton av. (See back cover.) Affleck John, res 2478 Lincoln av. Agee Alfred W, lawyer, 312 Eccles Bldg, res 1549 24th. Agee Arthur L, musician, bds 1549 24th. Agee Auretta M, bds 1549 24th. Agee Robert G, clk D & R G R R, bds 1549 24th. Agren Alfred, moved to Louisville, Ida. Agren Mrs Bertha, res 1 n of 358 Harrisville av. Agren Ellen, bds Harrisville. Agren Ida, seamstress, bds 1 n of 358 Harrisville av. Agren Pehr, farmer, res Harrisville. Agren S Andrew, farmer, res 1 n of 358 Harrisville av. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF UTAH Prof W J Kerr President, Logan, Utah. (See adv op¬posite classified Colleges and Schools.) Ahern David O, miner, bds 3277 Lincoln av. Ahern Edward J, baggageman Ogden Union Ry & Depot Co, bds 3277 Lincoln av. Ahern John, lab, rms 427 24th. Ahern John F, bartndr J J Greiner, res 3277 Lincoln av. Ahern L, fireman S P Co, res 227 27th. Aikins, see also Eakin. Ogden Steam Laundry Co. O.A. Parmley telephone 174. 437 twenty fifth street. ogden city directory. 73 C.P. Utter, O.D. Room 319 eccles bldg., ogden, Utah. All diseases of the eye... carefully diagnosed. we've moved to 2274 washington avenue. Ogden Knitting Factory. |