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Show F.C. Woods & Co. Architects. rooms 56 and 57 first national bank building. 140 R. L. POLK & CO'S Carver Maude L, bkpr J S Carver & Sons, bds 541 22d. Carver Nettie, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 541 22d. Cary, see also Carey, Corey and Cory. Cary George M, bds 330 23d. Cary Ina M, seamstress, bds 2107 Grant av. Cary John B, emp S P Co, res 2107 Grant av. Cashmore Charles, emp S P Co, res 2259 Jackson av. Cashmore Fred, lab, res 427 24th. Cashmore Manassah, helper, res 2146 Monroe av. Cashmore Sarah M, bds 2259 Jackson av. Caspersen Bessie, dresmkr Mrs Rena Downs, bds 1055 Kershaw av. Cassin, see also Kasson. Cassin Block, 2343-2345 Washington av. Cassin Elmer E, student High School, bds 2580 Lincoln av. Cassin Ida M, bds 2580 Lincoln av. CASSIN JAMES Real Estate and Loans, Agt German American In¬surance Co of N Y, 2343 1/2 Washington av, res 2580 Lincoln av. Cassin Virginia M, bds 2580 Lincoln av. CASTLE GATE COAL CO John Farr Mgr, Dealers in All Kinds of Coal, Lime and Ice, 2069 Washington av, Tel 27. Cather Richard W, brkman S P Co, res 512 W 24th. Catholic Club Hall, Washington av s w cor 26th. Catholic Knights of America [St Joseph's Branch No 420], Catholic Club Hall. Catts Daniel W, lab, res 2134 Adams av. Catts Henry R, lab, bds 2134 Adams av. Cavanagh, see also Kavanagh. Cavanagh Albert J, clk R M S, res 527 23d. The oxford. fine wines, liquors and cigars. leedom & pattison, proprs. basement eccles bldg. case separators. engines. horse powers. wind stackers. c.w. & m.co. Ogden. Stationery. underwood typewriter agency. 2441 washington ave. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 141 Cavanagh Henry, moved to Park City, U. Cave Albert R, eng S P Co, rms County Court House. Cave Francis E, clk Last & Thomas, bds 1738 Washing¬ton av. CAVE GEORGE F Propr Ogden Co-operative Drug Co, 2301 Washing¬ton av, res same, Tel 351-X. Cave Harriet M (wid Adolphus), janitress, 2439 Washing¬ton av, res same. CAVE JOSEPH E Propr Depot Drug Store, 108 25th, Tel 44-K, res 352 18th. Cave Madeline, bds 442 13th. Cave Martha A H (wid Elias), res 1738 Washington av. Cave Samuel H, res 438 24th. Cave Warren M, clk G F Cave, bds 1738 Washington av. Cawley Claude T, student, bds Wilson's Lane. Cawley John B, farmer, res Wilson's Lane. Cazier, see also Kaiser and Keyser. Cazier Alexander, farmer, res N. Ogden. Cazier Fred, car repr, res rear 262 23d. Cazier Isabella (wid Benjamin), res N Ogden. Cazier Joseph R, res N Ogden. Cazier Wm L, died Oct 29th, '02. Cazier Wm R, lab, res N Ogden. Cedarberg John, carp U P R R, res 130 W 28th. Cedarstrom Magnus, tailor, 908 Washington av, res same. CENTRAL CARRIAGE WORKS George Huss Propr. Blacksmithing, Carriage and Wagon Making, rear 334 24th, Tel 368-Y. O.M. Runyon, 2269 wall ave. wool and furs Ives two stores fine hats. the knox, the stetson. |