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Show w.j. dallimore, licensed plumber and gas fitter. 2352 washington ave tel. 518-x. 360 R. L. POLK & CO'S Mountain Springs Ice & Cold Storage Co, G G Griffith pres and mgr, Mrs H R Griffith sec and treas, 1210 21st. Mountain View Cemetery, Henry Howe sexton, bet 33rd and 35th, Jefferson and Madison avs. MOUNTAIN VIEW CEMETERY ASSOCIATION Reese Howell Pres, J H Knauss Sec, 206 Eccles Bldg. Mowbray Winfred B, clk S P Co, res 335 26th. Mower Charles E, farmer, res View. Mower Ezra, farmer, res View. Mower George T, student, bds View. Mower Robert, farmer, res View. Mower Mrs Sarah A, res View. Mowray Dent, student High School, bds 2722 Washington av. Moyer Oliver A, chf opr W U Tel Co, res 1031 24th. Moyes Alexander H, agt N Y Life Ins Co, res 219 21st. Moves Alexander W, elk, bds 219 21st. Moyes Bessie T, tchr Five Points School, res 219 21st. Moyes Claude T, student High School, bds 219 21st. Moyes David G, tchr, bds 218 26th. Moyes Elizabeth (Avid Monroe), bds 3219 Wall av. Moyes Eva, student High School, bds 218 26th. Moyes George G, clk S P Co, bds 218 26th. Moyes James H, car repr S P Co, res 2129 Grant av. Moves Jane, bds 218 26th. Moyes J Earl, bds 2864 Lincoln av. Moyes Leroy, elev opr Eccles Bldg, bds 2864 Lincoln av. Moyes Margaret M, student, bds 2129 Grant av. Moyes Olive R, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 3219 Wall av. Moyes Parley T, messr First Natl Bank, bds 219 21st. e.f. bratz real estate and loans. 2486 washington av. wallace drug co. full line of fine perfumery. Ogden Steam Laundry Co. 437 Twenty fifth street. O.A. Parmley. S.H. Hendershot telephone 174. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 361 MOYES ROBERT A Asst Cashier Ogden State Bank and City Treasurer, res 2866 Washington ay, Tel 428-K. Moyes Robert A, emp S P Co, bds 219 21st. Moyes Robert H, custodian First Natl Bank Bldg, res 2864 Lincoln av. Moyes Stewart H, watchman S P Co, res 3219 Wall av. Moyes Stewart W, waiter Elite Cafe, res 2843 Lincoln av. Moyes Wm, mgr Eccles Bldg, room 313, res 218 26th. Moynahan, see also Monagan. Moynahan Joseph E, clk, bds 3006 Adams av. Moynahan Josephine, student, bds 3006 Adams av. Moynahan Lizzie, clk Last & Thomas, bds 3006 Adams av. Moynahan Martha (wid Patrick), res 3006 Adams av. Moynahan Mary A, bds 3006 Adams av. Moznett Frank W, emp S P Co, res 2425 Lincoln av. Muckler Bridget, waitress Pacific Hotel. Muckler Margaret, waitress Pacific Hotel. Mueth Henry J, barber, rms 2508 Lincoln av. Mulder Wm, res w s Pacific av bet 33rd and 34th. Muldrew Tobias (col'd), waiter, res 2720 Pacific av. Muller, see also Miller. Muller Adolph, clk, bds 3057 Porter av. Muller Anna L, bds 3057 Porter av. Muller Gustave A, printer, res 3057 Porter av. Muller Wm F, painter, bds 3057 Porter av. Malloy D L, brkman S P Co, res 256 26th. Mumford George A, tmstr, res rear 232 22nd. Mumford Susan (wid George), res 2151 Sherburne av. Mumford Thomas A, lab, bds 2151 Sherburne av. Municipal Court, e s Hudson av bet 25th and 26th. Munro, see also Monroe. Munro David, trav agt Becker B & M Go, res 164 22nd. Munsen, see also Munson. c.p.utter, o.d. room 319 eccles bldg., ogden, utah. the expert eye specialist on refraction and geterophorra. we're proud of ogden because we're ogden people and we're the ogden knitting factory. |