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Show James Erickson, 156 24th street. horse-shoeing and general blacksmithing. rubber tires a specialty. 206 R. L. POLK & CO'S Faulkner Warren G, painter, res 2900 Grant av. Fearnley Gertrude, domestic, 2351 Jefferson av. Feeney Thomas S, bartndr Elite Cafe, bds Reed Hotel. Felker Wm J, repr R M Bell Tel Co, res 2559 Lincoln av. Fell Alpheus G (Nelson & Fell), res 649 23d. Fell Carrie M, bds 649 23d. Fell Gilberta, bds 649 23d. FELSHAW ELTON M Dentist, 347 24th, res 583 31st. Felts Frank, helper U P R R. Fenstermaker John L, well driver, res 1939 Steele. Fenstermaker Samuel, lineman R M Bell Tel Co, res 1947 Van Buren av. Fenton J B, brkman S P Co, res 2409 Lincoln av. Ferguson Charles E, farmer, res 1085 22d. Ferguson C Emma, attendant Rich & Rich, bds 2451 Quincy av. Ferguson Edwin F, warehseman F J Kiesel & Co, bds 1085 22d. Ferguson John, clk, bds rear. 870 25th. Ferguson Julia (col'd), domestic, 2523 Jefferson av. Ferguson John M, emp Troy Steam Laundry, rms Ben¬nett Blk. Ferguson Nellie M, bds 1085 22d. Fernelius Edward, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 467 26th. FERNLUND ABRAHAM Physician and Surgeon, 340 25th, Tel 515-K, res same. Ferono Michael, bartndr E D Bello, res 230 24th. Ferrell, see Farrell. Ferrin, see also Ferron. Ferrin Mrs Anna, res View. H.C. Wardleigh. 2376 washington avenue. pianos, organs, violins, guitars, mandolins, etc. ...Utah... Knitting Works. L.D.S. Garments. union suits. 2354 washington ave. B.H. Goddard, life insurance. telephone 252-x. 412 eccles bldg. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 207 Ferrin Cheriton P, warehseman John Scowcroft & Sons Co, res 426 13th. Ferrin James M, farmer, res View. Ferrin Josiali M, res 885 26th. Ferrin Luella S, bds 3261 Wall av. Ferrin Mrs Martha A, res View. Ferrin Mary (wid James W), res 2700 Grant av Ferrin Orlin F, porter Broom Hotel, bds 2700 Grant av. Ferrin Philip, lab, bds View. Ferrin Samuel S, emp Utah L & P Co, bds View. Ferrin Thaddeus L, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 3261 Wall av. Ferrin Thaddeus M, coDtr, 3261 Wall av, res same. Ferrin Winslow B, moved to Salt Lake City. Ferris, see also Faris. Ferris Patrick T, blksmith S P Co, res 371 22d. Ferron, see also Ferrin. Ferron De Ette E, v-pres S L Valley Canning Co, res Mannsville, N Y. Fewster Charles F, grocer, 2632 Wall av, res same. Fick Lawrence L, eng S P Co, res 2221 Grant av. Field C Winslow, farmer, res ns W 2d 5 w of S P Track. Field Ida A, bds n s W 2d 5 w of S P Track. Field James, farmer, res ns W 2d 5 w of S P Track. Field James F, farmer, bds n s W 2d 5 w of S P Track. Field Joseph H, farmer, res n s W 2d 5 w of S P Track. FIELD MARSHALL & CO (of Chicago, 111), Henry O Tavey General Salesman, Wholesale Dry Goods, 2345 1/2 Washington av. Field Riley O, farmer, bds n s W 2d 5 w of S P Track. Field Robert, switchman S P Co, res 227 29th. Field Ruby M, bds n s W 2d 5 w of S P Track. Field Wm, farmer, res n s W 2d 5 w of S P Track. The Toggery, 302 25th street. men's fine furnishings, shoes, hats and clothing. Ogden electrical supply co. 2450 washington avenue. telephone 266-z. electric light wiring, annunciators, fixtures and general repairing. alex leatham, propr. residence telephone 531-x. |